Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2019-2020

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2019-2020. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

Cereal farms have performed well over the last few years

A chart shows the Farm Business Income of cereal and mixed farms each year since 2012 to 2013.

A number of farm types have been grouped together as 'mid-income', including cereal, mixed farms and combined cattle and sheep farms.

Cereal and mixed farms have a higher average income but also greater fluctuations in performance over time. Mixed farms usually engage in complimentary activities like growing crops to feed their cattle.

Mid-income farms in general performed worse this year than last year. The average income of mixed farms decreased 77 per cent to £8,100 in 2019-20.

Cereal farms have performed well over the last three years but experienced an average decrease in income to around £41,000. A 33 per cent decrease from the high of around £61,100 the previous year.

Some mid-income farm types still rely on support payments to make a profit. Cereal farms had a positive average income of around £5,700 without support.

Combined cattle and sheep LFA farms received the highest average support at £56,900. Without this, these farms were making a loss of £33,500 on average.

Lowland cattle and sheep farms are also categorised as mid-income and experienced an increase in income in 2019-20.



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