Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2019-2020

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2019-2020. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

Farms that diversify business activity earn more money

A chart shows the Farm Business Income of farms with diversified activity and those without over the last five years.

This chart shows the total income of farms that have diversified and those that have no diversified activities.

Around 350 farms have been providing us with their data over the last five years. This allows us to see changes in their diversified activity that generates income.

55% - Farms with diversified activity

More than half of farms have diversified activities that use farm resources to generate additional incomes to their businesses. Farms with no diversified activity on average generated £21,300 less income per annum.

Diversified activity is becoming more important. The income gap between farms with diversified activities and those without has increased over the last five years.

The most common diversified activity continues to be renting out farm buildings. Other common profitable activities that farmers are doing include micro electricity generation, wind turbines, hosting mobile telephone masts and holiday cottages.



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