
Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2021-2022

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2021-2022. A National Statistics publication for Scotland.

Average farm income at a record high

Figure 1: Average farm income, with and without support payments, 201213 to 2021-22A line graph showing average farm income, with and without support payments over time. The data starts in 2012-13 and ends in 2021-22.

Average farm income is around £50,000 in 2021-22. This is the highest estimate since 2012-13, the earliest year for which comparable data exists.

Average income increased around £11,000, from £38,900 in the previous year. Increases in output, support and income from non-agricultural activities more than overcame increases in input costs.

Agricultural output increased 10% in 2021-22 to £219,000. This was mostly driven by increases in output from dairy, cereals and livestock.

Input costs increased by 6% to £219,800, reversing the decrease seen in 2020-21.

Farms received around £44,800 in support payments and grants, an increase of six percent from 2020-21.

The average business made a profit of around £5,100 without support. This is the first time in the last ten years that average income is profitable without support. This is mostly driven by increases in income in dairy and arable farms. Average livestock farms continue to make a loss without support.

The average farm made around £6,000 from diversified activities, for example by renting out buildings or generating electricity.



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