Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2021-2022

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2021-2022. A National Statistics publication for Scotland.

Cattle and sheep farms see smaller increases

Livestock farms in less favoured areas (LFA) have low but stable incomes compared to other farm types.

Increased livestock output mainly drove small increases in income across all livestock farm types in 2021-22. Whilst they increased from the previous year, average incomes for LFA livestock farm types were still typical when compared to the previous ten years.

Table 1: Average Farm Business Incomes in 2020-21 and 2021-22 for livestock farms

Farm type

2020-21 FBI

2021-22 FBI

Percentage change

Ten year average

LFA Sheep





LFA Cattle





LFA Cattle and Sheep





Lowland Livestock





Figure 5: Average Farm Business Income for LFA livestock farms, 2012‑13 to 2021‑22

A line graph showing the farm income of livestock farm types over time. LFA cattle, LFA cattle and sheep and LFA sheep are shown, along with a line for all farms.



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