Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2021-2022

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2021-2022. A National Statistics publication for Scotland.

Data sources and more information

Data Source

Estimates of average farm business income in Scotland come from the Scottish Farm Business Survey. This is an annual survey of around 400 commercial-sized farms. Farms which are part-time, or with economic activity below approximately £20,000 are not included. Farms that do not receive support, such as pigs, poultry and horticulture, are not included in the survey.

Data from the June Agricultural Census is used to weight the farm business income estimates. The FBS is representative of around 11,000 farms in Scotland, which is around 21% of all farms included in the June Agricultural Census. These farms cover 64% of Scotland's agricultural land, employ 46% of those employed in Scottish farming, and produce 95% of standard output from the farming sectors that are included in the FBS.


More detailed methodology information is available in the Scottish farm business incomes: Methodology document.

Related statistics

Similar surveys take place in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Full results for the United Kingdom are available online:

Similar data is collected by the European Union through the European Commission Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN):

European Commission | Agri-food data portal | Farm economics (

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A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

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Correspondence and enquiries

Jay Gillam
Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services Statistics

For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician
Telephone: 0131 244 0442

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this publication are available through supporting documents.

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