
Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2021-2022

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2021-2022. A National Statistics publication for Scotland.

General cropping income remains stable

Average income for general cropping farms increased 1% to £82,500 in 2021‑22.

Total outputs for general cropping farms increased by 3%, with increased cereal outputs offsetting a 4% decrease in potato output.

Figure 3: Average Farm Business Income for general cropping farms, 2012‑13 to 2021‑22
Figure 3: Average Farm Business Income for general cropping farms, 2012 13 to 2021 22

General cropping performance has varied a lot in recent years. General cropping farms are sensitive to market prices and experience fluctuating performance.

General cropping farms have a high average income compared to other farm types. However, while some farms make large incomes, others will make a loss.



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