Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2022-2023

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2022-2023. An Accredited Official Statistics publication for Scotland.

First published: 21 March 2024. Additional tables released: 4 February 2025.

Increase in farms in highest profit band

Business performance varies within farm types. There are loss making and high-income farms in all farm types.

Nearly a quarter (24%) of all farms in the sample made over £100,000 in 2022-23. This is an increase of 7 percentage points from figures reported in 2021‑22. Growth in the highest profit band was driven by dairy and cropping farms. Increases in milk and cereal outputs contributed to higher incomes.  

The proportion of farms that were unprofitable was 17%, a slight decrease from 18% reported in 2021‑22.

Within the different farm types, dairy, general cropping, cereal, and mixed farms have large proportions of highly profitable farms. The proportion of farms making over £100,000 increased for all these farm types in 2022-23. However, some of these farms still make a loss. The spread of farm incomes is widest among general cropping and dairy farms in 2022-23.

More LFA and lowland livestock farms have low incomes or make a loss. However, some LFA and lowland livestock farms do have incomes of £100,000 or over.

Figure 9: Farm income distribution by farm type, 2022-23.

Stacked bar charts show the proportion of farms in each farm type which had an income in different bands.


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