
Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2017-2018

This analysis is based on the March 2019 published statistics for the period 2017-2018. Revisions have been made to correct for a processing error affecting these estimates. Revised 2017-18 data is available in the Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2018-19 publication. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

Direct payments make up the largest source of farm income

Direct payments make up the largest source of farm income

This summary of farm incomes are grouped into five main categories. Direct payments and agri-environment schemes are subsidy payments made to farms. Contract farming is a joint venture between farmers. An example of this is machinery rings, where machinery and labour is shared between farms.

5% Increase in Direct payments

Direct payments to farmers made up the largest average income. There was an increase in this year of five per cent.

Farms on average made a loss from agricultural activity of £14,600. These losses to the business were offset mainly from direct payment and agri-environment scheme subsidies.

Diversification and contract farming made the largest non-subsidy contributions to farm business income in this year.



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