
Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2017-2018

This analysis is based on the March 2019 published statistics for the period 2017-2018. Revisions have been made to correct for a processing error affecting these estimates. Revised 2017-18 data is available in the Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2018-19 publication. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

More farmers can afford to pay themselves the minimum agricultural wage

More farmers can afford to pay themselves the minimum agricultural wage

Farm business accounts estimate the earnings of the people who will draw money from the income of the farm business, usually the owners or partners. We call this unpaid labour as they do not get paid a regular wage.

There is an increase in the percentage of farms that can pay unpaid labour more than minimum agricultural wage (MAW).

Sixty per cent of farms in the survey were able to pay £7.43 per hour (MAW) for unpaid labour or more. Nine per cent of farms could afford to pay unpaid labour over £35 per hour.

Forty per cent of farms were not able to pay the MAW and 16 per cent of farms were unable to provide earnings to unpaid labour from farming income.

Some farmers may earn money elsewhere, for example from activities that happen off the farm. Also farmers that can afford higher wages are more likely to invest their drawings back into their business.



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