
Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2017-2018

This analysis is based on the March 2019 published statistics for the period 2017-2018. Revisions have been made to correct for a processing error affecting these estimates. Revised 2017-18 data is available in the Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2018-19 publication. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

…dairy and general cropping farms continue to recover

dairy and general cropping farms continue to recover

£73,100 Dairy farms average income

Dairy farms had the highest average income by farm type this year. Their average income was estimated at £73,100. General cropping farms were also performing well.

There are indications that these dairy and general cropping farms sensitive to market prices. For example this years milk price was £0.28 per litre, an increase of 22 per cent from the previous year suggesting that this group will continue to experience fluctuating performance.

The increase in farm income from 2016-17  to 2017-18 for general cropping was largely due to the increase in value from cereals.



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