
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing information on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Topics covered include Home Fire Safety Visits, stations, equipment, workforce and attacks on personnel at incidents.

3. Background

The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 established the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service as the national fire and rescue service of Scotland, replacing the eight former Fire and Rescue Services as of 1st April 2013.

Until 2012-13 this publication was referred to as Fire and Rescue Services Statistics Scotland and included statistics on non-domestic fire safety as well as the topics presented here. Changes in data management by SFRS following the establishment of the single service have meant that it has not yet been possible for the SFRS to provide non-domestic fire safety data for 2013-14. Scottish Government and the SFRS are committed to providing users with this information and it will be made publically available in a separate report following the publication of this bulletin.

Statistics on attacks on SFRS personnel are compiled from electronic reports submitted by the SFRS to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) on incidents they have attended. All other statistics in this publication are compiled from data collection returns made by the SFRS to the Scottish Government.

Further information on the sources of data, methods and definitions used in this bulletin are provided in section 6.


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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