
Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2011

The annual production survey of fish farms in Scotland for 2011 was carried out

by Marine Scotland Science (MSS). This survey collates annual production data from

Scottish fin fish farm sites operated by authorised aquaculture production businesses.



Glossary and Abbreviations

Active Fish farms in a production growing cycle which may contain stock or be fallow.
Alevin Young fish, at stage from hatching to end of dependence on yolk sacs as primary source of nutrition.
Approved National Control Measures Disease control measures in accordance with The Aquatic Animal Health (Scotland) Regulations 2009.
Broodstock Adult fish held until maturation for breeding purposes.
Diploid Fish with the normal two sets of chromosomes.
EEA European Economic Area.
EFTA European Free Trade Association.
EU European Union.
Eyed-ova/eggs Fish egg(s) at the stage of development when the heavily pigmented eyes of the embryo are sufficiently developed to be clearly visible.
Fallow Fish farm having no stock, but still part of a growing cycle.
Fingerling A term commonly applied to young stages of salmonid fish.
Fry The life stage of a young salmon from independence of the yolk sac as the primary source of nutrition to dispersal from the redd.
Gamete Reproductive cells.
Grilse Salmon harvested between 1 st January and 31 st August after one winter in marine water.
Intra-peritoneal Within the body cavity.
Non-producing A site which is active, may be stocked with fish, but has produced no fish for harvest during the specified year.
On-growing Farm producing fish for the table market.
Ova Eggs.
0-year fish Fish in their first year of life.
MSS Marine Scotland Science.
Parr Young salmon at stage from dispersal from redd to migration as a smolt.
Photoperiod Alteration of the daylight light regime.
Pre-salmon Salmon harvested between 1 st September and 31 st December after one winter at sea.
Raceway Concrete or brick channels used for farming fish.
S1/2 Salmon or sea trout smolting at approximately six months from hatch (usually by photoperiod and/or temperature manipulation).
S1 Salmon or sea trout smolting at approximately one year from hatch.
S11/2 Salmon or sea trout smolting at approximately 18 months from hatch.
S2 Salmon or sea trout smolting at approximately two years from hatch.
Smolt Fully silvered juvenile salmon ready to be transferred or to migrate to sea.
Third Country Country outside the EU.
Triploid Genetically modified fish that have three sets of chromosomes instead of two.
Year Class Fish hatched or put to sea in a given year.
ERM Enteric redmouth.
IPN Infectious pancreatic necrosis.


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