Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2013

The annual production survey of fish farms in Scotland for 2013 was carried out by Marine Scotland Science (MSS). This survey collates annual production data from Scottish fin fish farm sites operated by authorised aquaculture production businesses.



Production survey information was collected from all 21 companies actively involved in Atlantic salmon production, farming 257 active sites. This figure represents the entire industry operating in Scotland.

Table 24: Annual production of salmon (tonnes) during 1993-2013, percentage change from the previous year and projected production in 2014

Year Tonnes Percentage difference Year Tonnes Percentage difference
1993 48,691 35 2004 158,099 -7
1994 64,066 32 2005 129,588 -18
1995 70,060 9 2006 131,847 2
1996 83,121 19 2007 129,930 -1.4
1997 99,197 19 2008 128,606 -1
1998 110,897 12 2009 144,247 12
1999 126,686 14 2010 154,164 6.9
2000 128,959 2 2011 158,018 2.5
2001 138,519 7 2012 162,223 2.7
2002 144,589 4 2013 163,234 0.6
2003 169,736 17 2014 162,374*

*industry estimate of projected tonnage based on stocks currently being on-grown.

The total production of Atlantic salmon during 2013 was 163,234 tonnes, an increase of 1,011 tonnes (0.6%) on the 2012 production.

Table 25: Number (000's), production (tonnes) of salmon harvested and mean fish weight (kg) per year class during 2003-2013

Year of smolt input Year of harvest Number (000's) Production (tonnes) Mean weight at harvest (kg)
Harvest in year 0
( i.e. in year of input)
2003 2003 82 276 3.4
2004 2004 168 319 1.9
2005 2005 0 0 -
2006 2006 115 211 1.8
2007 2007 23 40 1.7
2008 2008 116 216 1.9
2009 2009 81 178 2.2
2010 2010 128 268 2.1
2011 2011 109 307 2.8
2012 2012 127 301 2.4
2013 2013 0 0 -
Harvest in year 1 2002 2003 22,602 96,205 4.3
2003 2004 19,596 85,792 4.4
2004 2005 15,075 67,738 4.5
2005 2006 14,036 64,099 4.6
2006 2007 13,787 60,890 4.4
2007 2008 13,011 54,759 4.2
2008 2009 16,338 77,621 4.7
2009 2010 18,266 85,826 4.7
2010 2011 18,694 91,105 4.9
2011 2012 21,502 97,744 4.5
2012 2013 21,264 106,161 5.0
Harvest in year 2 2001 2003 15,619 73,255 4.7
2002 2004 15,555 71,988 4.6
2003 2005 13,920 61,850 4.4
2004 2006 14,237 67,537 4.7
2005 2007 14,999 69,000 4.6
2006 2008 15,881 73,631 4.6
2007 2009 14,132 66,448 4.7
2008 2010 13,666 68,070 5.0
2009 2011 13,772 66,606 4.8
2010 2012 13,053 64,178 4.9
2011 2013 11,283 57,073 5.1

Table 26: Number (000's) and production (tonnes) of grilse and pre-salmon harvested during 2003-2013

Year Grilse (January-August) Pre-salmon (September-December)
Number Tonnes Average weight (kg) Number Tonnes Average weight (kg)
2003 8,560 32,977 3.8 14,042 63,228 4.5
2004 6,824 27,710 4.1 12,772 58,082 4.5
2005 5,662 22,972 4.1 9,413 44,766 4.7
2006 4,357 18,162 4.2 9,679 45,937 4.7
2007 3,823 15,811 4.1 9,964 45,079 4.5
2008 3,716 15,296 4.1 9,295 39,463 4.2
2009 5,631 23,857 4.2 10,707 53,764 5.0
2010 6,877 29,733 4.3 11,389 56,093 4.9
2011 7,604 35,146 4.6 11,090 55,959 5.0
2012 11,337 53,216 4.7 10,165 44,528 4.4
2013 9,618 47,496 4.9 11,646 58,665 5.0

Table 27: Percentage (by weight) of annual production by growth stage harvested during 2005-2013

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Growth stage - - - - - - - - -
Input year fish 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 0
Grilse 18 13 12 12 16 19 22 33 29
Pre-salmon 34 35 34 31 37 36 35 27 36
Salmon 48 51 53 57 46 44 42 39 35

Survival and Production in Smolt Year Classes

Table 28: Survival and production in smolt year classes during 1996-2013

Year of smolt input Smolt input (000's) Harvest year 0 Harvest year 1 Harvest year 2 Total % of year class harvested Year class weight (tonnes) Yield per smolt (kg)
Number (000's) Weight (tonnes) Mean weight (kg) % harvest Number (000's) Weight (tonnes) Mean weight (kg) % harvest Number (000's) Weight (tonnes) Mean weight (kg) % harvest
1996 32,906 315 638 2.0 1.9 20,245 71,349 3.5 61.5 5,148 21,953 4.3 15.6 78.1 93,940 2.85
1997 42,766 282 585 2.1 0.7 29,014 86,783 3.0 67.8 9,027 40,098 4.4 21.1 89.6 127,466 2.98
1998 45,870 696 2,048 2.9 1.5 22,556 83,823 3.7 49.2 8,450 36,323 4.3 18.4 69.1 122,194 2.66
1999 41,106 1,000 2,763 2.8 2.4 23,077 89,963 3.9 56.1 9,096 40,754 4.5 22.1 80.6 133,480 3.25
2000 45,185 765 2,673 3.5 1.7 22,726 96,539 4.2 50.3 11,354 53,535 4.7 25.1 77.1 152,747 3.38
2001 48,643 557 1,227 2.2 1.1 23,528 90,230 3.8 48.4 15,619 73,255 4.7 32.1 81.6 164,712 3.39
2002 50,086 272 824 3.0 0.5 22,602 96,205 4.3 45.1 15,555 71,988 4.6 31.1 76.7 169,017 3.37
2003 43,083 82 276 3.4 0.2 19,596 85,792 4.4 45.5 13,920 61,850 4.4 32.3 78.0 147,918 3.43
2004 39,041 168 319 1.9 0.4 15,075 67,738 4.5 38.6 14,237 67,537 4.7 36.5 75.5 135,594 3.47
2005 37,168 0 - - 0 14,036 64,099 4.6 37.8 14,999 69,000 4.6 40.3 78.1 133,099 3.58
2006 41,091 115 211 1.8 0.3 13,787 60,890 4.4 33.5 15,881 73,631 4.6 38.6 72.5 134,732 3.28
2007 37,853 23 40 1.7 0.06 13,011 54,759 4.2 34.4 14,133 66,448 4.7 37.3 71.8 121,247 3.20
2008 36,662 116 216 1.9 0.3 16,338 77,621 4.7 44.6 13,666 68,070 5.0 37.3 82.2 145,907 3.98
2009 38,548 81 178 2.2 0.2 18,266 85,826 4.7 47.4 13,772 66,606 4.8 35.7 83.3 152,610 3.96
2010 38,490 128 268 2.1 0.3 18,694 91,105 4.9 48.6 13,053 64,178 4.9 33.9 82.8 155,551 4.04
2011 42,733 109 307 2.8 0.3 21,502 97,744 4.5 50.3 11,283 57,073 5.1 26.4 77.0 155,124 3.63
2012 41,094 127 301 2.4 0.3 21,264 106,161 5.0 51.7
2013 40,936 0 - - 0

In 2011, the last year for which survival can be calculated, the survival rate from smolt input to harvest decreased to 77.0%. Of the 2012 year class, 52.0% of the input has been harvested, 1.4% higher than the average harvest of fish one year after input in the 2011 year class. In 2013, there was no harvest of fish from the 2013 smolt input. This was a decrease compared with the proportion of fish harvested from the same year class in 2012.

Smolts to Sea

Table 29: Number (000's) and origin of smolts put to sea during 2001-2013

Year Smolts put to sea (000's) Total (000's) Scottish Origin English Origin Other Origin
S1 S1½ S2 % (000's) % (000's) %
2001 14,118 34,321 171 33 48,643 98 1,183 2 0 0
2002 15,850 32,761 1,475 0 50,086 94 1,564 3 1,676 3
2003 14,534 28,283 986 0 43,803 93 2,590 6 325 >1
2004 14,044 23,776 1,221 0 39,041 97 634 2 541 >1
2005 13,051 22,501 1,616 0 37,168 96 1,594 4 0 0
2006 15,578 23,733 1,779 0 41,090 96 1,257 3 272 >1
2007 14,665 23,188 0 0 37,853 94 1,747 5 420 1
2008 11,101 25,561 0 0 36,662 96 1,418 4 0 0
2009 14,967 23,581 0 0 38,548 95 1,700 4 105 <1
2010 14,069 24,421 0 0 38,490 95 1,541 4 120 <1
2011 17,721 25,012 0 0 42,733 96 1,765 4 0 0
2012 17,334 23,480 280 0 41,094 96 1,510 4 0 0
2013 19,262 21,534 140 0 40,936 97 1,169 3 55 <1

The total number of smolts put to sea in 2013 was 40.9 million. This smolt input comprised S1s (52.6%), S½s (47.1%) and a small number of S1½s (0.3%). Three percent of the smolts stocked to Scottish salmon farms were sourced from outwith Scotland. This was a decrease of 1% compared with the proportion observed in 2012.

Survival and Production in Smolt Year Classes by Production Area

Table 30: Number (000's) of smolts put to sea and year class survival by area during 2002-2013

Region Smolts put to sea (000's) Harvest in year 0 Harvest in year 1 Harvest in year 2 Total Harvest
Year No Year No % Year No % Year No % No %
North West 2002 12,634 2002 135 1.1 2003 7,007 55.5 2004 3,113 24.6 10,255 81.2
2003 13,103 2003 0 0 2004 7,667 58.5 2005 2,847 21.7 10,514 80.2
2004 9,642 2004 168 1.7 2005 4,516 46.8 2006 2,978 30.9 7,662 79.5
2005 10,888 2005 0 0 2006 5,796 53.2 2007 2,914 26.8 8,710 80.0
2006 10,403 2006 115 1.1 2007 4,300 41.3 2008 3,664 35.2 8,079 77.7
2007 9,563 2007 23 0.2 2008 5,394 56.4 2009 1,850 19.3 7,267 75.9
2008 9,099 2008 69 0.8 2009 4,897 53.8 2010 2,687 29.5 7,653 84.1
2009 9,986 2009 42 0.4 2010 7,045 70.5 2011 2,003 20.1 9,090 91.0
2010 9,924 2010 117 1.2 2011 6,324 63.7 2012 3,107 31.3 9,548 96.2
2011 12,605 2011 53 0.4 2012 7,937 63.0 2013 1,744 13.8 9,734 77.2
2012 11,988 2012 127 1.1 2013 7,179 59.9
2013 10,975 2013 0 0
Orkney 2002 2,741 2002 0 0 2003 1,169 42.6 2004 742 27.1 1,911 69.7
2003 2,964 2003 0 0 2004 1,141 38.5 2005 980 33.1 2,121 71.6
2004 1,842 2004 0 0 2005 480 26.0 2006 416 22.6 896 48.6
2005 2,192 2005 0 0 2006 598 27.3 2007 602 27.4 1,200 54.7
2006 1,622 2006 0 0 2007 433 26.7 2008 586 36.1 1,019 62.8
2007 1,408 2007 0 0 2008 594 42.2 2009 741 52.6 1,335 94.8
2008 1,912 2008 0 0 2009 507 26.5 2010 1,120 58.6 1,627 85.1
2009 1,154 2009 0 0 2010 741 64.2 2011 95 8.2 836 72.4
2010 2,557 2010 0 0 2011 1,126 44.0 2012 936 36.6 2,062 80.6
2011 2,718 2011 0 0 2012 1,203 44.3 2013 765 28.1 1,968 72.4
2012 2,727 2012 0 0 2013 1,422 52.1
2013 2,104 2013 0 0
Shetland 2002 17,260 2002 0 0 2003 5,850 33.9 2004 5,675 32.9 11,525 66.8
2003 14,446 2003 0 0 2004 6,031 41.7 2005 4,071 28.2 10,102 69.9
2004 12,372 2004 0 0 2005 4,220 34.1 2006 4,040 32.7 8,260 66.8
2005 10,824 2005 0 0 2006 4,162 38.4 2007 4,175 38.6 8,337 77.0
2006 13,180 2006 0 0 2007 4,578 34.7 2008 5,349 40.6 9,927 75.3
2007 14,947 2007 0 0 2008 4,530 30.3 2009 4,930 33.0 9,460 63.3
2008 13,929 2008 47 0.3 2009 4,992 35.8 2010 4,659 33.4 9,698 69.6
2009 10,031 2009 29 0.3 2010 4,201 41.9 2011 3,234 32.2 7,464 74.4
2010 11,573 2010 0 0 2011 4,134 35.7 2012 4,292 37.1 8,426 72.8
2011 11,206 2011 49 0.4 2012 4,911 43.8 2013 2,709 24.2 7,669 68.4
2012 11,389 2012 0 0 2013 4,995 43.9
2013 9,956 2013 0 0
South West 2002 7,403 2002 0 0 2003 3,761 50.8 2004 2,808 37.9 6,569 88.7
2003 6,834 2003 0 0 2004 2,110 30.9 2005 3,646 53.3 5,756 84.2
2004 6,786 2004 0 0 2005 3,281 48.4 2006 2,722 40.1 6,003 88.5
2005 6,589 2005 0 0 2006 2,054 31.2 2007 4,175 63.3 6,229 94.5
2006 7,032 2006 0 0 2007 2,677 38.1 2008 3,427 48.7 6,104 86.8
2007 6,135 2007 0 0 2008 980 16.0 2009 3,289 53.6 4,269 69.6
2008 6,507 2008 0 0 2009 4,153 63.8 2010 2,969 45.6 7,122 109.4*
2009 8,200 2009 10 0.1 2010 2,700 32.9 2011 4,697 57.3 7,407 90.3
2010 6,565 2010 12 0.2 2011 3,000 45.7 2012 2,648 40.3 5,660 86.2
2011 7,493 2011 0 0 2012 2,673 35.7 2013 3,706 49.5 6,379 85.1
2012 7,363 2012 0 0 2013 2,841 38.6
2013 7,801 2013 0 0
Western Isles 2002 10,048 2002 137 1.4 2003 4,815 47.9 2004 3,217 32.0 8,169 81.3
2003 6,456 2003 82 1.3 2004 2,647 41.0 2005 2,377 36.8 5,106 79.1
2004 8,399 2004 0 0 2005 2,578 30.7 2006 4,081 48.6 6,659 79.3
2005 6,675 2005 0 0 2006 1,426 21.4 2007 3,133 46.9 4,559 68.3
2006 8,853 2006 0 0 2007 1,799 20.3 2008 2,855 32.2 4,654 52.6
2007 5,800 2007 0 0 2008 1,513 26.1 2009 3,320 57.2 4,833 83.3
2008 5,214 2008 0 0 2009 1,789 34.3 2010 2,231 42.8 4,020 77.1
2009 9,177 2009 0 0 2010 3,579 39.0 2011 3,743 40.8 7,322 79.8
2010 7,870 2010 0 0 2011 4,110 52.2 2012 2,070 26.3 6,180 78.5
2011 8,711 2011 7 0.1 2012 4,778 54.9 2013 2,358 27.1 7,143 82.0
2012 7,627 2012 0 0 2013 4,827 63.3
2013 10,100 2013 0 0

* The survival of the 2008 smolt input in the South West is over 100% due to the practice of putting smolts to sea in one region and subsequently moving them to another sea water site in another region for harvest.


Table 31: Number of staff employed in the production of salmon during 2003-2013

Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Staff F/T 1,066 1,019 851 790 798 849 874 944 923 944 992
P/T 151 142 128 81 118 100 89 120 90 115 94
Total staff 1,217 1,161 979 871 916 949 963 1,064 1,013 1,059 1,086
Productivity (tonnes/person) 139.5 136.2 132.4 151.4 141.8 135.5 149.8 144.9 156.0 153.2 150.3

In 2013, the total number of staff employed in salmon production was 1,086, an increase of 27 compared with 2012. The staffing figures collected refer specifically to the production of Atlantic salmon and do not include figures for staff involved with processing or marketing activities. Productivity decreased from 153.2 to 150.3 tonnes produced per person.

Production Methods

Table 32: Production methods, capacity (000's cubic metres), tonnage and average stocking densities (kg/m 3) during 2011-2013

Method Number of sites Total capacity (000's cubic metres) Production (tonnes)
2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013
Seawater tanks 2 2 4 6.1 5.9 6.0 141 64 34
Seawater cages 252 255 253 17,152 17,889 19,064 157,877 162,159 163,200
For cage sites: ratio of production (kg) to cage capacity (m 3) 9.2 9.1 8.6

The vast majority of fish were produced in seawater cages. There were 34 tonnes of production from seawater tank sites in 2013. This reflects the continued high installation and running costs incurred in operating seawater tank systems. Most seawater tank capacity has been re-deployed for the production of other species of marine fin fish or salmon broodstock.

Sea cage capacity increased by 1,175,000 m 3 during 2013 and the number of sea cage sites in production decreased by two. Production efficiency in sea cages, measured as the ratio of fish weight in kilograms produced per cubic metre, decreased to 8.6 kg/m 3.

Figure 3: The distribution of active Atlantic salmon production sites in 2013

Figure 3: The distribution of active Atlantic salmon production sites in 2013

Scale of Production by Site

Table 33: Number of sites shown in relation to their production grouping and percentage share of production 2003-2013

0 1-50 51-100 101-200 201-500 501-1,000 >1,000 Sites* Tonnes
2003 125 6 14 13 53 45 70 326 169,736
2004 122 10 7 25 41 55 55 315 158,099
2005 112 8 13 16 41 37 51 278 129,588
2006 95 10 10 16 29 30 62 252 131,847
2007 89 9 8 19 33 34 55 247 129,930
2008 118 7 9 15 22 29 57 257 128,606
2009 104 12 12 10 33 25 58 254 144,247
2010 109 5 6 10 33 22 64 249 154,164
2011 106 9 7 9 28 29 66 254 158,018
2012 115 3 5 9 25 33 67 257 162,223
2013 112 9 3 12 18 36 67 257 163,234
2003 0 0.1 0.6 1.2 10.4 19.7 68 - -
2004 0 0.1 0.4 2.4 9.4 26.1 61.6 - -
2005 0 0.2 0.7 1.9 10.8 20.5 65.9 - -
2006 0 0.2 0.6 1.8 7.9 15.9 73.6 - -
2007 0 0.2 0.4 2.3 8.3 19.0 69.8 - -
2008 0 0.1 0.5 1.6 5.8 15.9 76 - -
2009 0 0.2 0.6 1.0 7.7 13.0 77.5 - -
2010 0 0.1 0.3 0.9 7.3 10.8 80.6 - -
2011 0 0.2 0.3 0.8 6.4 13.4 78.9 - -
2012 0 <0.1 0.2 0.9 5.0 15.0 78.8 - -
2013 0 0.1 0.1 1.1 4.0 16.7 78.0 - -

* Includes farms stocked but having no production.

In 2013, the number of sites with no production dropped by three whilst the number producing 1 to 500 tonnes remained the same. The number of sites producing over 500 tonnes increased by three, continuing the trend towards production in larger sites.

Company Productivity

Table 34: Number of companies grouped by production (tonnes), manpower and productivity (tonnes per person) during 2012-2013

Total Tonnage 0-100 101-200 201-400 401-700 701-1,000 1,001-2,000 >2,000 Total
No. of companies 2012 9 2 1 0 1 1 8 22
2013 9 1 1 1 1 1 7 21
No. of tonnes 2012 84 353 219 0 951 1,064 159,552 162,223
2013 38 144 232 493 890 1,278 160,159 163,234
Manpower (total) 2012 14 12 6 0 6 5 1,016 1,059
2013 17 7 3 2 5 29 1,023 1,086
Productivity (tonnes/person) 2012 6 29 37 0 159 213 157 153
2013 2 21 77 247 178 44 157 150

In 2013, the greatest productivity of 247 tonnes per person was achieved in the companies producing 401-700 tonnes. The least productivity of two tonnes per person was from the companies producing the smallest tonnages. In comparison with 2012, the average company productivity decreased from 153 to 150 tonnes per person. Overall, production was dominated by seven companies in 2013 which between them accounted for over 98% of Scotland's farmed Atlantic salmon production.

Manpower and Production by Production Area

Table 35: Manpower and production (tonnes) by area 2004-2013 and projected production in 2014

Region Year Staff Annual Production Productivity (t/person) Year of input Grilse Pre-salmon Salmon
F/T P/T Tonnes Mean weight (kg) Tonnes Mean weight (kg) Tonnes Mean weight (kg) Tonnes Mean weight (kg)
North West 2004 321 38 48,609 135 319 1.9 10,912 4.0 22,586 4.6 14,792 4.7
2005 267 31 32,439 109 0 - 8,816 3.9 10,608 4.7 13,015 4.6
2006 203 23 40,219 178 211 1.8 8,742 4.2 16,995 4.6 14,271 4.8
2007 277 44 33,541 104 40 1.7 6,674 4.1 13,212 4.9 13,615 4.7
2008 280 34 41,250 131 125 1.8 7,817 4.2 15,997 4.5 17,311 4.7
2009 256 32 35,295 122 75 1.8 9,777 4.7 15,860 5.6 9,583 5.2
2010 294 44 47,353 140 239 2.0 15,895 4.4 17,837 5.1 13,382 5.0
2011 303 38 41,656 122 174 3.2 13,152 4.3 16,879 5.1 11,451 5.7
2012 300 40 52,352 154 301 2.4 31,121 4.7 5,842 4.7 15,088 4.9
2013 335 46 43,320 114 0 - 17,937 4.9 16,417 4.7 8,966 5.1
2014 47,491*
Orkney 2004 68 10 6,600 85 0 - 1,877 3.3 2,107 3.6 2,616 3.5
2005 47 4 5,183 102 0 - 989 3.5 805 4.1 3,389 3.5
2006 72 3 3,724 50 0 - 509 3.1 1,689 3.9 1,526 3.7
2007 41 7 4,432 92 0 - 196 3.9 1,657 4.3 2,579 4.3
2008 60 5 5,716 88 0 - 811 4.2 1,747 4.3 3,158 5.4
2009 47 2 6,220 127 0 - 754 4.6 1,793 5.2 3,673 4.9
2010 58 2 9,388 156 0 - 1,221 4.1 2,279 5.1 5,888 5.3
2011 69 0 6,369 92 0 - 3,508 5.1 2,355 5.4 506 5.3
2012 65 6 11,694 165 0 - 3,532 5.3 2,720 5.1 5,442 5.8
2013 76 2 11,479 147 0 - 3,191 5.1 4,491 5.7 3,797 5.0
2014 10,288*
Shetland 2004 185 27 53,101 250 0 - 6,732 4.2 20,543 4.6 25,826 4.5
2005 162 33 38,946 200 0 - 3,424 4.4 16,296 4.7 19,226 4.7
2006 190 18 39,278 189 0 - 3,765 4.3 16,134 4.9 19,379 4.8
2007 182 25 40,795 197 0 - 2,663 4.5 17,838 4.5 20,294 4.9
2008 202 26 42,593 187 91 1.9 3,970 4.1 13,982 3.9 24,550 4.6
2009 188 22 43,785 208 65 2.3 4,873 3.3 16,183 4.6 22,664 4.6
2010 178 23 45,439 226 0 - 3,624 4.9 17,179 5.0 24,636 5.3
2011 189 22 35,493 168 118 2.4 4,611 4.7 16,071 5.1 14,693 4.5
2012 188 16 43,010 211 0 - 6,083 4.3 15,784 4.5 21,143 4.9
2013 200 13 36,694 172 0 - 5,822 4.5 18,121 4.9 12,751 4.7
2014 41,525*
South West 2004 219 34 23,911 95 0 - 2,733 4.1 6,832 4.7 14,346 5.1
2005 188 36 33,056 148 0 - 4,675 4.7 11,430 5.0 16,951 4.6
2006 181 22 25,460 125 0 - 2,467 4.4 7,920 5.3 15,073 5.5
2007 162 36 31,353 158 0 - 4,309 4.1 7,069 4.3 19,975 4.8
2008 173 21 20,584 106 0 - 1,212 4.0 3,108 4.6 16,264 4.7
2009 199 23 35,726 161 38 3.5 4,615 4.6 15,988 5.1 15,085 4.6
2010 231 39 27,751 103 29 2.5 6,032 4.2 7,118 5.7 14,572 4.9
2011 212 17 37,157 162 0 - 3,618 4.8 10,899 4.8 22,640 4.8
2012 221 24 26,850 110 0 - 9,315 5.4 4,508 4.8 13,027 4.9
2013 232 18 34,924 140 0 - 5,847 4.8 9,111 5.6 19,966 5.4
2014 31,160*
Western Isles 2004 226 33 25,878 100 0 - 5,456 4.1 6,014 4.5 14,408 4.5
2005 187 24 19,964 95 0 - 5,068 3.8 5,627 4.5 9,269 3.9
2006 144 15 23,166 146 0 - 2,679 4.0 3,199 4.3 17,288 4.2
2007 136 6 19,809 140 0 - 1,969 3.8 5,303 4.2 12,537 4.0
2008 134 14 18,463 125 0 - 1,486 3.8 4,629 4.1 12,348 4.3
2009 184 10 23,221 120 0 - 3,838 4.1 3,940 4.6 15,443 4.6
2010 183 12 24,233 124 0 - 2,961 3.7 11,680 4.2 9,592 4.3
2011 150 13 37,343 229 15 2.1 10,257 4.7 9,755 5.0 17,316 4.6
2012 170 29 28,317 142 0 - 3,165 3.7 15,674 4.0 9,478 4.6
2013 149 15 36,817 224 0 - 14,699 5.2 10,525 5.2 11,593 4.9
2014 31,910*
Scotland Total 2004 1,019 142 158,099 136 319 1.9 27,710 4.1 58,082 4.5 71,988 4.6
2005 851 128 129,588 132 0 - 22,972 4.1 44,766 4.7 61,850 4.4
2006 790 81 131,847 151 211 1.8 18,162 4.2 45,937 4.7 67,537 4.7
2007 798 118 129,930 142 40 1.7 15,811 4.1 45,079 4.5 69,000 4.6
2008 849 100 128,606 135 216 1.9 15,296 4.1 39,463 4.2 73,631 4.6
2009 874 89 144,247 150 178 2.2 23,857 4.2 53,764 5.0 66,448 4.7
2010 944 120 154,164 145 268 2.1 29,733 4.3 56,093 4.9 68,070 5.0
2011 923 90 158,018 156 307 2.8 35,146 4.6 55,959 5.0 66,606 4.8
2012 944 115 162,223 153 301 2.4 53,216 4.7 44,528 4.4 64,178 4.9
2013 992 94 163,234 150 0 - 47,496 4.9 58,665 5.0 57,073 5.1
2014 162,374*

*Estimated production for 2014.

Company and Site Data

Table 36: Number of companies and sites engaged in the production of Atlantic salmon during 2003-2013

Year Number of companies Number of sites
Producing Non-producing Total Producing Non- producing Total
2003 63 18 81 201 125 326
2004 57 12 69 193 122 315
2005 40 10 50 166 112 278
2006 32 12 44 157 95 252
2007 28 10 38 158 89 247
2008 26 9 35 139 118 257
2009 25 6 31 150 104 254
2010 20 10 30 140 109 249
2011 21 6 27 148 106 254
2012 16 6 22 142 115 257
2013 15 6 21 145 112 257

The number of companies authorised and actively producing Atlantic salmon in 2013 was 15, a decrease of one from 2012. Six companies remained active and authorised, although not producing salmon for harvest in 2013. This continued the trend of Atlantic salmon production becoming concentrated within fewer companies. These 21 companies had 257 registered active sites, although not all these sites produced fish for harvest in 2013.


Table 37: Number of seawater cage sites employing a fallow period during 2004-2013

Year Fallow Period (weeks) Total
0 <4 4-8 9-26 27-51 52
2004 82 9 52 95 42 35 315
2005 75 11 36 86 37 33 278
2006 67 10 44 74 37 20 252
2007 67 16 41 61 38 24 247
2008 53 16 28 92 40 28 257
2009 51 3 30 86 46 37 253
2010 53 8 26 83 41 36 247
2011 60 10 31 85 27 39 252
2012 58 4 31 97 28 37 255
2013 51 4 31 93 35 43 257

Of the 257 seawater cage sites recorded as being active in 2013, 43 farms were fallow for the entire year whilst 163 farms were fallow for a variable period. There were 51 sites that did not fallow in 2013.

Broodstock Sites

Table 38: Number of sites holding Atlantic salmon broodstock during 2002-2013

Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Broodstock sites 19 20 15 15 17 20 20 11 10 11 7 8

In 2013, the number of freshwater and seawater sites holding broodstock increased to eight. The number of sites holding broodstock in any one year can be variable, as can be seen from the previous years' figures, which indicate no obvious trend. A total of 5,683 fish were stripped, yielding 56.9 million ova, giving an average yield of 10,021 ova per fish.

Organic Production

Table 39: Organic production of Atlantic salmon during 2010-2013

Year Number of
active cage sites
Number of cage sites
certified as organic
2010 247 14 6,122
2011 252 10 3,104
2012 255 7 4,597
2013 253 8 5,207

Of the 253 active Atlantic salmon seawater cage sites in 2013, eight had organic certification producing 5,207 tonnes. This is the fourth year that data on organic production has been reported.


There were four incidents involving the loss of a total of 9,709 fish from seawater Atlantic salmon sites in 2013. There were four additional reported incidents where the companies confirmed there was no loss of fish.


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