Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2015

Report based on the returns of an annual survey questionnaire sent to all active authorised fish farming businesses.

Appendix 3 Scottish Marine Regions

Scottish Marine Regions

Salmon Production by Scottish Marine Region (Tonnage and Value)

  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£)
Argyll & Clyde 33,056 95,465,728 25,460 88,855,400 31,353 91,331,289 19,229 57,071,672 35,726 113,859,718 27,751 104,982,638 37,157 146,323,872 26,850 92,578,800 34,924 148,042,836 34,976 140,673,472 35,911 133,229,810
Orkney Islands 5,183 14,968,504 3,724 12,996,760 4,432 12,910,416 5,716 16,965,088 6,220 19,823,140 9,388 35,514,804 6,369 25,081,122 11,694 40,320,912 11,479 48,659,481 13,029 52,402,638 11,074 41,084,540
Outer Hebrides 19,964 57,656,032 23,166 80,849,619 19,809 57,703,617 21,569 64,016,792 23,221 74,005,327 24,233 91,673,439 37,343 147,056,734 29,682 102,344,915 36,817 156,067,263 33,775 135,843,050 27,210 100,949,100
Shetland Isles 38,946 112,476,715 39,278 137,079,916 40,795 118,835,835 41,374 122,798,032 43,785 139,542,795 45,439 171,895,737 35,493 139,771,434 43,010 148,298,480 36,694 155,545,866 46,369 186,496,118 42,786 158,736,060
North Coast & West Highlands 32,439 93,683,191 40,219 140,364,310 33,541 97,704,933 40,718 120,851,024 35,295 112,485,165 47,353 179,136,399 41,656 164,041,328 50,987 175,803,176 43,320 183,633,480 50,873 204,611,206 54,741 203,089,110
All Scotland 129,588 374,250,170 131,847 460,146,006 129,930 378,486,090 128,606 381,702,608 144,247 459,716,145 154,164 583,203,017 158,018 622,274,490 162,223 559,346,283 163,234 691,948,926 179,022 720,026,484 171,722 637,088,620

Footnote - Figures for Argyl & Clyde and the North Coast & West Highlands have been merged due to commerical confidentiality. Other finfish species including brown/sea trout, rainbow trout, cod, halibut and cleaner fish were produced but cannot be attributed to Scottish Marine Regions due to commerical confidentiality. Average prices (real) have been adjusted for inflation based on 2015 price estimates.

Salmon tonnes and value £ real price


Email: Lorna Munro,

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