
Scottish fish farm production survey 2017

This report is based on the returns of an annual survey questionnaire sent to all active authorised fish farming businesses in Scotland.

Appendix 3

Scottish Marine Regions

Salmon Production by Scottish Marine Region (Tonnage and Value)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£)
Argyll & Clyde 31,353 93,212,469 19,229 58,475,389 35,726 116,039,022 27,751 108,729,045 37,157 151,934,564 26,850 96,310,950 34,924 153,875,144 34,976 146,409,536 35,911 137,072,287 31022 148998666 44,575 246,945,500
Orkney Islands 4,432 13,176,336 5,716 17,382,356 6,220 20,202,560 9,388 36,782,184 6,369 26,042,841 11,694 41,946,378 11,479 50,576,474 13,029 54,539,394 11,074 42,269,458 14752 70853856 16,756 92,828,240
Outer Hebrides 19,809 58,892,157 21,569 65,591,329 23,221 75,421,808 24,233 94,944,894 37,343 152,695,527 29,682 106,470,769 36,817 162,215,702 33,775 141,382,150 27,210 103,860,570 32662 156875586 33,778 187,130,120
Shetland Isles 40,795 121,283,535 41,374 125,818,334 43,785 142,213,680 45,439 178,030,002 35,493 145,130,877 43,010 154,276,870 36,694 161,673,764 46,369 194,100,634 42,786 163,314,162 37464 179939592 38,908 215,550,320
North Coast & West Highlands 33,541 99,717,393 40,718 123,823,438 35,295 114,638,160 47,353 185,529,054 41,656 170,331,384 50,987 182,890,369 43,320 190,867,920 50,873 212,954,378 54,741 208,946,397 46917 225342351 55,690 308,522,600
All Scotland 129,930 386,281,890 128,606 391,090,846 144,247 468,515,230 154,164 604,015,179 158,018 646,135,193 162,223 581,895,336 163,234 719,209,004 179,022 749,386,092 171,722 655,462,874 162817 782010051 189,707 1,050,976,780

Footnote- Figures for Argyll & Clyde and the North Coast & West Highlands have been merged due to commercial confidentiality. Other finfish species including brown/sea trout, rainbow trout, halibut and cleaner fish were produced but cannot be attributed Scottish Marine Regions due to commercial confidentiality. Average prices (real) have been adjusted for inflation based on 2017 price estimates.

Salmon Tonnes

Salmon Tonnes

Value £ real price (inflation adjusted on 2017 Price estimates)

Value £ real price (inflation adjusted on 2017 Price estimates)


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