
Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2019

This report is based on the returns of an annual survey questionnaire sent to all active authorised fish farming businesses in Scotland during 2019. Statistics on employment, production and value are presented.

Appendix 3 - Scottish Marine Regions

Salmon Production by Scottish Marine Region (Tonnage and Value)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£) Tonnage Value (£)
Argyll & Clyde 27,751 113,502,244 37,157 158,808,591 26,850 100,580,100 34,924 160,685,324 34,976 152,565,312 35,911 142,925,780 31,022 155,078,978 44,575 256,573,700 37,506 215,659,500 44,881 236,522,870
Orkney Islands 9,388 38,396,920 6,369 27,221,106 11,694 43,805,724 11,479 52,814,879 13,029 56,832,498 11,074 44,074,520 14,752 73,745,248 16,756 96,447,536 20,956 120,497,000 17,758 93,584,660
Outer Hebrides 24,233 99,112,970 37,343 159,603,982 29,682 111,190,270 36,817 169,395,017 33,775 147,326,550 27,210 108,295,800 32,662 163,277,338 33,778 194,426,168 30,668 176,341,000 38,468 202,726,360
Shetland Isles 45,439 185,845,510 35,493 151,697,082 43,010 161,115,460 36,694 168,829,094 46,369 202,261,578 42,786 170,288,280 37,464 187,282,536 38,908 223,954,448 35,947 206,695,250 36,141 190,463,070
North Coast & West Highlands 47,353 193,673,770 41,656 178,037,744 50,987 190,997,302 43,320 199,315,320 50,873 221,908,026 54,741 217,869,180 46,917 234,538,083 55,690 320,551,640 30,948 177,951,000 66,633 351,155,910
All Scotland 154,164 630,531,414 158,018 675,368,505 162,223 607,688,856 163,234 751,039,634 179,022 780,893,964 171,722 683,453,560 162,817 813,922,183 189,707 1,091,953,492 156,025 897,143,750 203,881 1,074,452,870

Footnote- Figures for Argyll & Clyde and the North Coast & West Highlands have been merged due to commercial confidentiality. Other finfish species including brown/sea trout, rainbow trout, halibut and cleaner fish were produced but cannot be attributed Scottish Marine Regions due to commercial confidentiality. Average prices (real) have been adjusted for inflation based on 2019 price estimates.

This map has the same areas shown as Figure 4. It has different colours for each region to tie in with data shown on the line graphs below.
Two line graphs. The first one showing Salmon tonnes data from 2010 through to 2019. The second one showing the Value of the salmon for the years 2010 through to 2019. The data is split into the Scottish Marine Regions described in figures 4 and in the map above.



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