Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2020

This report is based on the returns of an annual survey questionnaire sent to all active authorised fish farming businesses in Scotland during 2020. Statistics on employment, production and value are presented.

1. Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Production survey information was collected from all 21 companies actively involved in rainbow trout production, farming 50 active sites. This figure represents the entire industry operating in Scotland.


Table 1a: Annual production (tonnes) of rainbow trout during 2006-2020 and projected production in 2021
Year Tonnes Percentage difference Year Tonnes Percentage difference
2006 7,492 7 2014 5,882 5
2007 7,414 -1 2015 8,588 46
2008 7,670 3 2016 8,096 -6
2009 6,766 -12 2017 7,637 -6
2010 5,139 -24 2018 6,413 -16
2011 4,619 -10 2019 7,405 15
2012 5,670 23 2020 7,576 2
2013 5,611 -1 2021 9,303*  

* Industry estimate based on stocks currently being on-grown.

Production increased in 2020 by 171 tonnes, an increase of 2%, to 7,576 tonnes.

Table 1b: Production (tonnes) for the table trade during 2011-2020 according to weight category
Year <450 g 450-900 g >900 g Total
<1 lb 1-2 lbs >2 lbs Tonnes
2011 1,421 1,004 1,433 3,858
2012 1,195 1,655 2,209 5,059
2013 1,908 825 2,268 5,001
2014 2,334 290 2,704 5,328
2015 2,299 258 5,476 8,033
2016 2,393 234 4,810 7,437
2017 2,000 544 4,453 6,997
2018 803 223 4,848 5,874
2019 343 228 6,335 6,906
2020 403 164 6,465 7,032

Production for the table in 2020 was 7,032 tonnes, an increase of 126 tonnes (2%) on the 2019 total. This accounted for 93% of the total rainbow trout production, the same proportion to that produced in 2019. Also, an increase in the number of fish in the large and small size ranges and a decrease in the number of fish in the medium size range were observed.

Table 1c: Production (tonnes) for the restocking trade during 2011-2020 according to weight category
Year <450 g 450-900 g >900 g Total
<1 lb 1-2 lbs >2 lbs Tonnes
2011 8 419 334 761
2012 22 266 323 611
2013 24 221 365 610
2014 28 256 270 554
2015 15 158 382 555
2016 35 183 441 659
2017 10 150 480 640
2018 14 143 382 539
2019 16 113 370 499
2020 46 130 368 544

In 2020, production for the restocking of angling waters increased to 544 tonnes representing an increase of 45 tonnes (9%) on the 2019 total. This accounted for 7% of total rainbow trout production in 2020. These figures represent the tonnage of fish supplied to angling waters for restocking purposes; they do not account for the catch taken by anglers. The production of large sized fish showed a small decrease while there was an increase in the production of small and medium sized fish.

Production by Site

Table 2: Number of sites grouped by tonnage produced during 2011-2020
Year Number of sites per production tonnage Total number of sites
<1-25 26-100 101-200 >200
2011 9 10 6 8 33
2012 10 10 6 8 34
2013 6 11 5 8 30
2014 6 11 5 9 31
2015 4 10 5 11 30
2016 6 10 3 13 32
2017 4 8 5 11 28
2018 5 10 3 11 29
2019 5 9 4 10 28
2020 6 13 2 11 32

Production was reported from 32 of the 50 active sites. The number of producers in the 101-200 tonnes size bracket decreased while those in the <1-25, 26-100 and >200 tonnes size brackets increased. These figures do not include those sites specialising in the production of ova or young fish for on-growing.

Production by Method

Table 3: Grouping of rainbow trout sites by production tonnages, main methods of production in 2020 and comparison with production in 2019
Production method Production grouping (tonnes) in 2020 Total tonnage and (%) by method Number of sites
<10 10-25 26-50 51-100 >100 2019 2020 2019 2020
FW cages 1 0 0 1 4 2,273 (30.7%) 2,279 (30.1%) 6 6
FW ponds and raceways 1 2 5 3 3 971 (13.1%) 1,022 (13.5%) 12 14
FW tanks and hatcheries 2 0 0 1 0 78 (1.1%) 86 (1.1%) 4 3
SW cages 0 0 1 2 6 4,083 (55.1%) 4,189 (55.3%) 6 9
SW tanks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 2 6 7 13 7,405 7,576 28 32

Seawater production accounted for 4,189 tonnes (55.3%) and freshwater production the remaining 3,387 tonnes (44.7%). Production from all freshwater facilities and seawater cage facilities increased during 2020.

Company and Site Data

Table 4: Number of companies and sites in production during 2011-2020
Year No. of companies No. of sites
2011 23 48
2012 25 48
2013 24 46
2014 24 46
2015 24 45
2016 24 44
2017 23 44
2018 23 53
2019 22 52
2020 21 50

In 2020, the number of companies authorised by the Scottish Government and actively engaged in rainbow trout production was 21. The number of sites registered and in production was 50.

Staffing and Productivity

Table 5: Number of staff employed and productivity per person during 2011-2020
Year Full-time Male Full-time Female Total Full-time Part-time Male Part-time Female Total Part-time Total Staff Productivity (tonnes/person)
2011 90 5 95 16 7 23 118 39.1
2012 74 5 79 23 5 28 107 53.0
2013 85 4 89 16 5 21 110 51.0
2014 86 7 93 13 7 20 113 52.1
2015 100 10 110 10 6 16 126 68.2
2016 90 10 100 15 6 21 121 66.9
2017 98 12 110 15 7 22 132 57.9
2018 103 8 111 17 8 25 136 47.2
2019 103 11 114 21 9 30 144 51.4
2020 97 13 110 20 4 24 134 56.5

The overall number of staff employed in 2020 decreased by 10 to 134. The number of full-time staff decreased by four while the number of part-time staff decreased by six. Productivity, measured as tonnes produced per person, increased by 9.9% in 2020 with no distinction between full and part-time employees being made for this calculation.

Production by Area

Table 6: Production and staffing by area in 2020
Area No. of sites Table production (tonnes) Restocking production (tonnes) Mean tonnes per site Staffing Productivity (tonnes/person)
F/T P/T Total
North* 12 282 29 25.9 10 4 14 22.2
East 12 935 261 99.7 27 10 37 32.3
West 16 5,432 11 340.2 60 5 65 83.7
South 10 383 243 62.6 13 5 18 34.8
All 50 7,032 544 151.5 110 24 134 56.5

*From 2018, the North area also included production and staff from the Western Isles

Productivity was greatest in the West at 340.2 tonnes per site and 83.7 tonnes per person.

Figure 1: The regional distribution of active rainbow trout sites in 2020
This is a map showing the distribution of active rainbow trout sites in Scotland in 2020. The map is split into 4 areas: North, East, West and South and has black dots showing where each site is on the map.

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Type of Ova Laid Down

Table 7: Number (000's) and proportions (%) of eyed ova types laid down to hatch during 2011-2020
Year All female diploid no. (%) Triploid no. (%) Mixed sex diploid no. (%) Total ova
2011 12,673 (84) 2,254 (15) 215 (1) 15,142
2012 10,967 (85) 2,005 (15) 7 (<1) 12,979
2013 7,857 (80) 1,955 (20) 77 (<1) 9,889
2014 8,321 (75) 2,710 (25) 9 (<1) 11,040
2015 10,245 (85) 1,800 (15) 76 (<1) 12,121
2016 7,986 (80) 1,943 (20) 5 (<1) 9,934
2017 2,366 (34) 4,670 (66) 5 (<1) 7,041
2018 1,460 (23) 4,843 (77) 15 (<1) 6,318
2019 1,077 (16) 5,369 (82) 105 (2) 6,551
2020 286 (5) 5,943 (95) 15 (<1) 6,244

Source of Ova Laid Down

Table 8: Number (000's) and sources of eyed ova laid down to hatch in 2011-2020
Year Ova produced in Great Britain (GB) Total Imported ova Total
Own stock Other stock Total Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
2011 215 189 404 14,738 0 15,142
2012 14 230 244 12,735 0 12,979
2013 77 537 614 9,275 0 9,889
2014 9 655 664 10,376 0 11,040
2015 6 888 894 11,227 0 12,121
2016 35 349 384 9,550 0 9,934
2017 20 547 567 6,474 0 7,041
2018 15 495 510 5,808 0 6,318
2019 10 22 32 6,519 0 6,551
2020 15 1,552 1,567 3,712 965 6,244

In 2020, the total number of eyed ova laid down to hatch decreased by 0.3 million (4.7%) on the 2019 figure. Imported ova came from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres during 2020. The proportion of ova from GB broodstock increased (25% of the total) and the rainbow trout industry remained reliant on imported ova. Data on the importation of ova into Scotland are also available from the health certificates and are shown in Table 9a. Any discrepancy between the figures in Tables 8 and 9a is due to data being obtained from two independent sources.

Imports from Official Import Health Certificates

Table 9a: Number (000's) and sources of ova imported into Scotland from outwith GB during 2011-2020
Source 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Denmark 5,250 1,950 1,315 2,500 2,330 5,535 3,518 3,728 5,567 3,703
Isle of Man 520 300 800 1,000 175 20 300 0 0 0
N. Ireland 7,320 8,332 5,125 4,780 6,535 3,040 1,240 1,085 380 150
Norway 130 300 175 710 670 500 774 0 0 0
South Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,225
Spain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 180
USA 1,580 1,800 2,350 1,700 1,675 750 0 855 430 0
Totals 14,800 12,682 9,765 10,690 11,385 9,845 5,832 5,668 6,437 5,258
Table 9b: Seasonal variation in numbers (000's) and sources of ova imported into Scotland from outwith GB during 2020
Month Denmark N. Ireland South Africa Spain
January 1,030 0 0 0
February 125 0 0 0
March 227 150 0 0
April 681 0 0 0
May 200 0 125 0
June 100 0 130 0
July 0 0 0 0
August 0 0 250 0
September 0 0 720 0
October 420 0 0 0
November 920 0 0 180
December 0 0 0 0
Totals 3,703 150 1,225 180
Table 9c: Number (000's) and sources of fish imported into Scotland from outwith GB during 2011-2020
Source 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
N. Ireland 72 155 537 674 746 592 486 391 935 787

Suppliers within the European Union (EU) accounted for 76.7% of ova imported into Scotland during 2020 with South Africa accounting for the remaining 23.3%. In recent years there has been a trend for producers to import part grown rainbow trout into Scotland from Northern Ireland.

Trade in Fry and Fingerlings

Table 10: Number (000's) of fry and fingerlings traded during 2011-2020
Year Fry and fingerlings bought Total number bought Total number sold
All female diploid no. (%) Triploid no. (%) Mixed sex diploid no. (%)
2011 16,288 (88.5) 1,970 (10.7) 138 (0.8) 18,396 16,612
2012 12,543 (91) 1,226 (9) 0 13,769 12,088
2013 6,734 (84) 1,239 (16) 0 7,973 6,749
2014 5,911 (81) 1,423 (19) 0 7,334 6,719
2015 6,104 (87) 598 (9) 290 (4) 6,992 6,971
2016 6,452 (85) 1,125 (15) 0 7,577 6,779
2017 3,989 (73) 1,446 (27) 0 5,435 4,145
2018 979 (42) 1,361 (58) 0 2,340 2,383
2019 861 (25) 2,532 (75) 0 3,393 2,832
2020 937 (33) 1,916 (67) 0 2,853 2,544

The established trade between hatcheries and on-growing farms continued in 2020. Some companies specialised in fry and fingerling production. The total number of fry and fingerlings bought decreased by 15.9% while the number sold decreased by 10.2%. The disparity between supply and demand is due to trade with England and Wales.

Use of Vaccines

Table 11: Number of sites rearing fish vaccinated against enteric redmouth disease ( ERM) and number of fish vaccinated (millions) during 2011-2020
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No. of sites 26 24 19 21 17 18 18 17 21 18
No. of fish 20.3 20.4 9.9 10.0 8.3 7.3 5.4 3.4 3.4 2.8

Vaccines continued to be used as a preventative treatment against enteric redmouth disease (ERM), a potentially serious bacterial infection, caused by Yersinia ruckeri. Vaccination is generally carried out as a bath treatment at the fingerling stage, although some vaccines are administered by intra-peritoneal injection. A total of 2.8 million fish were vaccinated on 18 sites.

Organic Production

Of the 52 sites recorded as being active in rainbow trout production in 2020, none were certified as organic.


There was one incident involving the loss of 1,601 fish from a rainbow trout site in 2020. There was one additional incident reported where the company confirmed there was no loss of fish.



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