Scottish Forestry - corporate plan: consultation analysis

Results of the consultation on the draft corporate plan for Scottish Forestry, which lays out the proposed direction of travel and priorities for the next three years, the proposed purpose and role, and the three strategic objectives that will frame the delivery of Scottish Forestry’s work.

Summary of the response

The overall response to the Draft Plan was positive. Table 3 summarises the responses to the core questions.

Table 3: Support for the Plan
Agree Strongly Agree slightly Disagree Slightly Disagree Strongly Don’t know Not Answered
Introduction, role, structure 18 19 6 7 0 5
Purpose 17 17 8 6 1 6
Strategic Objective 1 26 14 3 6 1 5
Strategic Objective 2 Agree with the Objective 22 14 3 5 1 10
Agree with the activities 21 11 3 3 6 11
Agree with the Priorities 22 10 3 2 6 12
Strategic Objective 3 Agree with the Objective 25 11 1 5 5 8
Agree with the activities 25 13 2 6 2 7
Agree with the Priorities 18 19 0 5 4 9



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