Scottish Forestry - corporate plan: consultation analysis

Results of the consultation on the draft corporate plan for Scottish Forestry, which lays out the proposed direction of travel and priorities for the next three years, the proposed purpose and role, and the three strategic objectives that will frame the delivery of Scottish Forestry’s work.

SF corporate structure

Question: To what extent do you agree that the Corporate Plan provides a good introduction to the organisation, its role and the structure of Scottish Forestry?

Table 4: To what extent do you agree the Plan provides a good introduction to SF
Total Individuals Organisations
Agree strongly 18 8 10
Agree slightly 19 13 6
Disagree slightly 6 6 1
Disagree strongly 7 4 2
Don't know
Base 50 31 20

33% of respondents agreed strongly and 35% agreed slightly that the plan provided a good introduction to the organisation.

There were 29 comments received, which summarised below.

  • More prominence given to broader themes: Some respondents wished to see the broader themes to have more focus, including: the economic and social impacts of forestry on the rural community; the climate and nature emergency; urban forestry; landscape connectivity and integration; and our historic environment.
  • Difference between Scottish Forestry and Forestry and Land Scotland: There were a number of comments about the need to clarify the history and origins of Scottish Forestry and how it differs to Forestry and Land Scotland.
  • More detailed information: More detailed information was requested, such as: where Scottish Forestry sits in relation to other Scottish Government land use divisions; a description of each function; the budget per function; biographies of the non-executives; and as it is a public facing organisation, staff contact details.
  • Impact as an organisation: More information on our impact as an organisation, both socially (such as on rural economy) and in terms of climate change/adaptability (move towards net-zero emissions).
  • Performance and Monitoring: There were a number of suggestions made as to what we should monitor, including our impact on Scottish Landscape; the planting undertaken by private sector; and the impact of UKFS on biodiversity.
  • Specific actions to be undertaken: There was some feedback that the Corporate Plan was ‘too vague’ and comments made of specific actions which should be undertaken. This includes information to be made through website (such as contact details and our historical context); landscaping of commercial woodlands; consultation with communities; assessment of flood risks in connection with over-felling; and the changes arising from Brexit.

It should be noted that one person believed they were responding to the Forest and Land Scotland (FLS) Corporate Plan. Their comments have been passed to FLS . This does however, reinforce some comments from other respondents who suggested that there needs to be greater clarity between the role of Scottish Forestry, and that of Forestry and Land Scotland.

Question: To what extent do you agree with the Purpose contained in the Corporate Plan?


The sustainable management and expansion of forests and woodlands to deliver more for Scotland

Table 5: To what extent do you agree with the Purpose contained in the Corporate Plan?
Total Individuals Organisations
Agree strongly 17 9 8
Agree slightly 17 11 6
Disagree slightly 8 6 0
Disagree strongly 6 4 4
Don't know 1 1 0
Base 49 31 18

31% of respondents agreed strongly and 31% agreed slightly with the Purpose.

  • Wording of Purpose: Many agreed this is a succinct statement that clearly defines the purpose of the agency. However, some felt that we should describe what ‘more’ means, covering the economic, environmental and social benefits to be expected from public investment in forestry. Some respondents had suggestions of other wording, such as including ‘integrated land use’ or “. more for the people of Scotland”. It was suggested that as Scottish Forestry does not manage forests or land for expansion, there needed to be a qualifier verb, such as “support” or “facilitate”.
  • Incorporate different interests: Most of the respondents wanted the purpose to address the issue or cause that they had a particular interest in, either as an individual or organisation. This included integrated land use and management; biodiversity; the historic environment; public benefits; health and wellbeing; native woodlands; climate change; social and economic benefits; and local communities/businesses.
  • Address specific issues: Some respondents felt this section should address specific issues, such as the rural infrastructure; carbon and pollution; and deer and fencing.
  • Additional role of Scottish Forestry: Several respondents felt that Scottish Forestry had an important promotional and co-ordinating role, facilitating networking; leading long-term strategic thinking; and providing guidance and support to a broad range of stakeholders.
  • Land managers: Reference should be made to land managers rather than land owners.
  • Strategy documents: Other strategic references were suggested, including the National Walking Strategy and the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2013.



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