
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME-CFS): good practice statement

Guidance to support the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS in primary care. This was originally published in 2010 and we have partially updated it to insert key recommendations from the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS published in October 2021.

Appendix 3 – Severity rating scale tool

The following guide is drawn from the Canadian Consensus Document. It was designed to assist GPs in assessing severity and duration of symptoms and is to be completed by patients.

Please rank your symptoms in order of severity (1 being the most severe) in the left column. Rate severity of symptoms by putting a check mark in the appropriate box.

0 = Absent, 1 = Mild, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Severe

Rank Symptom 0 1 2 3
Post-exertional fatigue: loss of physical and mental stamina, fatigue made worse by physical exertion
Long recovery period from exertion: takes more than 24 hours to recover to pre-exertion activity level
Fatigue: persistent, marked fatigue that substantially reduces activity level
Sleep disturbance: non-restorative sleep, insomnia, hypersomnia
Pain: in muscles, joints, headaches
Memory disturbance: poor short term memory
Confusion and difficulty concentrating
Difficulty retrieving words or saying the wrong word
Gastrointestinal disturbance: diarrhoea, IBS
Recurrent sore throat
Recurrent flu-like symptoms
Dizziness or weakness upon standing
Change in body temperature, erratic body temperature, cold hands and feet
Heat/cold intolerance
Hot flushes, sweating episodes
Marked weight change
Breathless with exertion
Tender lymph nodes: especially at sides of neck and under arms
Sensitive to light, noise, or odours
Muscle weakness
New sensitivities to food/medications/chemicals
Total check marks in column
Column Total

Overall Total Score:

Overall symptom severity:

  • mild
  • moderate
  • severe

(Mild – occurring at rest, moderate – symptoms that occur at rest become severe with effort, unable to work, and severe – often housebound or bed-bound).

Other symptoms:


Change in symptoms:

How good is your sleep on a scale of 1-5?

(5 = good restorative sleep, 1 = no sleep):

How do you feel today on a scale of 1-10?

(10 = terrific, 1 = totally bedridden):



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