
Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party Parliamentary Group: draft Cooperation Agreement

Agreement setting out a joint commitment to work together to provide leadership for Scotland.

The Scottish Government and the Green Group will remain distinctive voices in Scotland and in the Scottish Parliament. While working together to deliver the shared programme and collaborating and cooperating on the other matters as set out in this Agreement, there are a limited number of matters we have agreed to exclude from this Agreement. These include matters where maintaining the Scottish Government and Green Group’s principles requires them to agree to differ.

The Scottish Government and the Green Group nevertheless believe that respectful and constructive dialogue on these matters is possible, and will be necessary if the spirit of mutual trust and good faith that underpins this agreement is to be maintained.

This Annex sets out those matters excluded from this Agreement, noting where the Scottish Government and Green Group have agreed to differ, meaning that in these areas the Scottish Government will have sole responsibility for the development of policy.

Section F of this Agreement (raising and resolving concerns) sets out the process for adding to the list of excluded matters.

Excluded matters

While we share an ambition that Scotland should be a wellbeing economy that measures its success by reference to environmental and social objectives as well as economic objectives, the role of Gross Domestic Product measurements, and economic principles related to concepts of sustainable growth and inclusive growth, are excluded from this agreement.

Recognising that an agreement to collaborate and cooperation on budgets and matters of supply does not prevent us from having different visions for the long term future of Scotland’s economy and on support for certain sectors, aviation policy (except in respect of island aviation connectivity and Highlands and Islands Airports Limited), the future of green ports, and direct financial support to businesses involved in the aerospace, defence and security sectors are excluded from this agreement.

Recognising that while we share the ambition that Scotland should be a good global citizen, contributing constructively on global challenges, and that we both support an expansion of Scotland’s presence on the international stage, our approaches to international relations are not aligned, international relations are excluded from this agreement, except to the extent they are addressed in the shared programme. And while we both believe that Scotland should be an independent, outward-looking country, playing a full part in an inclusive, rules-based international 10 system, as we have different views on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) commitment to membership of NATO following independence is excluded from this agreement.

While we have been able to agree significant areas for priority action in species protection, field sports are excluded from this agreement, except to the extent they are addressed in the shared programme. 9. While we agree that support should be provided to women selling sex, including healthcare support, the legal status and regulation of selling sex is excluded from this agreement. 10. While we have agreed to work together to take forward a programme of education reform, private fee-paying independent schools are excluded from this agreement.

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