
Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party Parliamentary Group: draft Cooperation Agreement

Agreement setting out a joint commitment to work together to provide leadership for Scotland.

Delivery of the shared programme

Working together to build a greener, fairer, independent Scotland

The Scottish Government and the Green Group have a joint responsibility to commit to deliver a shared programme, set out in the document, Working together to build a greener, fairer, independent Scotland. The Green Group may designate leads for each policy area within the programme.

This programme may develop during this session of the Scottish Parliament, including through expanding its scope and the policies it contains. Proposals for amendments may be made by either the Scottish Government or the Green Group.

The Scottish Government commits to consultation and collaboration with the Green Group on the implementation of those aspects of the shared programme where delivery does not depend on legislation, including on key strategies such as the second Strategic Transport Projects Review. 

The Scottish Government will recognise the role of this agreement in the delivery of Working together to build a greener, fairer, independent Scotland, including by identifying in publications and in media statements where a policy or action delivers part of the shared programme, by involving a Minister who is a Green MSP in the communication of any such policy or action, and by committing to informing the Green Group in advance on the implementation of any such policy or action.

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