
Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts 2015 to 2016

Annual report of consolidated financial results of the Scottish Government, its executive agencies and the Crown Office, prepared in accordance with IFRS.

Summary of Resource Outturn

2014-15 2015-16
Outturn Outturn Budget Variance
£m £m £m £m
Programme Resources
508 Finance, Constitution and Economy 517 576 (59)
11,902 Health, Wellbeing and Sport 12,159 12,164 (5)
2,292 Education and Lifelong Learning 2,310 2,488 (178)
252 Fair Work, Skills and Training 268 270 (2)
2,563 Justice 2,371 2,362 9
11,039 Social Justice, Communities and Pensioners' Rights 11,224 11,276 (52)
426 Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment 439 470 (31)
190 Culture, Europe and External Affairs 197 215 (18)
1,495 Infrastructure, Investment and Cities 1,628 1,641 (13)
109 Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 110 110 -
30,776 Total Programme Outturn 31,223 31,572 (349)
192 Administration 176 184 (8)
30,968 TOTAL OUTTURN 31,399 31,756 (357)

Summary of Capital Outturn

2014-15 2015-16
Outturn Outturn Budget Variance
£m £m £m £m
Programme Resources
16 Finance, Constitution and Economy 11 28 (17)
439 Health, Wellbeing and Sport 440 319 121
440 Education and Lifelong Learning 463 481 (18)
- Fair Work, Skills and Training - - -
22 Justice 3 37 (34)
184 Social Justice, Communities and Pensioners' Rights 230 341 (111)
53 Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment 83 41 42
1 Culture, Europe and External Affairs 6 5 1
536 Infrastructure, Investment and Cities 662 680 (18)
4 Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 4 4 -
1,695 Total Programme Outturn 1,902 1,936 (34)
6 Administration 7 8 (1)
1,701 TOTAL OUTTURN 1,909 1,944 (35)

Summary of Total Outturn

2014-15 2015-16
Total Resource
Budget Variance
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Programme Resources
524 Finance, Constitution and Economy 517 11 528 604 (76)
12,341 Health, Wellbeing and Sport 12,159 440 12,599 12,483 116
2,732 Education and Lifelong Learning 2,310 463 2,773 2,969 (196)
252 Fair Work, Skills and Training 268 - 268 270 (2)
2,585 Justice 2,371 3 2,374 2,399 (25)
11,223 Social Justice, Communities and Pensioners' Rights 11,224 230 11,454 11,617 (163)
479 Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment 439 83 522 511 11
191 Culture, Europe and External Affairs 197 6 203 220 (17)
2,031 Infrastructure, Investment and Cities 1,628 662 2,290 2,321 (31)
113 Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 110 4 114 114 -
32,471 Total Programme Outturn 31,223 1,902 33,125 33,508 (383)
198 Administration 176 7 183 192 (9)
32,669 TOTAL OUTTURN 31,399 1,909 33,308 33,700 (392)


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