Scottish Government consolidated accounts: annual report 2019 to 2020

Annual report of the consolidated financial results of the Scottish Government, its Executive Agencies and the Crown Office, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Audit Scotland report on the accounts is also linked and is unqualified.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 March 2020
Non-Current Assets Note 2019-20
30,463 Property, Plant and Equipment 7 30,699
199 Intangible Assets 8 237
8,488 Other Financial Assets including Investments due in more than one year 11 9,200
150 Receivables and Other Assets due in more than one year 13 101
39,300 Total Non-Current Assets 40,237
Current Assets
121 Inventories 10 142
1,078 Receivables and Other Current Assets 13 1,202
1,020 Cash and Cash Equivalents 2 970
551 Other Financial Assets including Investments due within one year 11 521
16 Non-Current Assets Classified as Held for Sale 9 10
2,786 Total Current Assets 2,845
42,086 Total Assets 43,082
Current Liabilities
(3,946) Payables and Other Current Liabilities 14 (3,989)
(28) Other Financial Liabilities due within one year 14 (35)
(220) Provisions for Liabilities and Charges due within one year 15 (1,165)
(4,194) Total Current Liabilities (5,189)
37,892 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 37,893
Non-Current Liabilities
(3,161) Payables and Other Liabilities 14 (2,997)
(564) Other Financial Liabilities due in more than one year 14 (581)
(880) Provisions for Liabilities and Charges due in more than one year 15 (877)
(4,605) Total Non-Current Liabilities (4,455)
33,287 Assets less Liabilities 33,438
Taxpayers' Equity
22,862 General Fund SOCTE 22,762
10,425 Revaluation Reserve SOCTE 10,676
33,287 Total Taxpayers' Equity 33,438

The notes on pages 90 to 143 form part of these accounts.

Leslie Evans
Principal Accountable Officer



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