
The Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2018

Annual report of consolidated financial results of the Scottish Government, its Executive Agencies and the Crown Office, prepared in accordance with IFRS

14. Capital Commitments

Property, Plant and Equipment 2017-18 2016-17
£m £m
Contracted capital commitments for which no provision has been made 3,408 2,326
Total 3,408 2,326
Intangible Assets
Contracted capital commitments for which no provision has been made 35 21
Total 35 21
Total Commitments 3,443 2,347

2017-18 property, plant and equipment commitments include future payments of £3,301m (2016-17: £2,133m) in respect of major road schemes currently under construction, and a number of capital projects being undertaken by NHS Boards of £107m (2016-17: £193m)

2017-18 intangible assets commitments include the development of a replacement IT system for Marine Scotland's vessels of £3.7m (2016-17: £1.6m) (90% reimbursement expected from the European Union), a £0.5m Digital Planning commitment (2016-17: £nil), the development of a new pensions administration system of £nil (2016-17: £1.6m), Disclosure Scotland Transformation Programme of £6.3m (2016-17: £4.5m) and £24.6m (2016-17: £13m) to complete the CAP Futures project.


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