Consolidated Accounts: year ended 31 March 2023

Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts for year ended 31 March 2023.

Summaries of Resource, Capital and Total Outturn Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statements

Consolidated Summary of Total Outturn for the year ended 31 March 2023
Programme Total Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Resource Outturn £m Capital Outturn £m Total Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Health and Social Care 18,462 17,118 516 17,634 17,895 (261)
Social Justice, Housing and Local Government 16,290 17,845 162 18,007 18,002 5
Finance and Economy 2,080 1,206 250 1,456 1,496 (40)
Education and Skills 3,780 3,333 615 3,948 4,004 (56)
Justice and Veterans 3,084 3,227 71 3,298 3,329 (31)
Net Zero, Energy and Transport 4,062 3,598 433 4,031 4,141 (110)
Rural Affairs and Islands 877 889 6 895 898 (3)
Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery 63 40 - 40 45 (5)
Constitution, External Affairs and Culture 355 267 - 267 271 (4)
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 185 184 7 191 195 (4)
Total Outturn 49,238 47,707 2,060 49,767 50,276 (509)
Consolidated Summary of Resource Outturn for the year ended 31 March 2023
Programme Resources Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Health and Social Care 17,926 17,118 17,329 (211)
Social Justice, Housing and Local Government 16,180 17,845 17,768 77
Finance and Economy 1,836 1,206 1,195 11
Education and Skills 3,229 3,333 3,295 38
Justice and Veterans 3,033 3,227 3,257 (30)
Net Zero, Energy and Transport 3,534 3,598 3,660 (62)
Rural Affairs and Islands 869 889 890 (1)
Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery 63 40 45 (5)
Constitution, External Affairs and Culture 356 267 271 (4)
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 176 184 185 (1)
Total Resource Outturn 47,202 47,707 47,895 (188)
Consolidated Summary of Capital Outturn for the year ended 31 March 2023
Programme Capital Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Health and Social Care 536 516 566 (50)
Social Justice, Housing and Local Government 110 162 234 (72)
Finance and Economy 244 250 301 (51)
Education and Skills 551 615 709 (94)
Justice and Veterans 51 71 72 (1)
Net Zero, Energy and Transport 528 433 481 (48)
Rural Affairs and Islands 8 6 8 (2)
Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery - - - -
Constitution, External Affairs and Culture (1) - - -
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 9 7 10 (3)
Total Capital Outturn 2,036 2,060 2,381 (321)

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Health and Social Care 17,732 1 18,294 1,294 17,000 16,984 16
Total Expenditure Limit 17,732 18,294 1,294 17,000 16,984 16
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Health 154 2 75 - 75 285 (210)
Total AME 154 75 - 75 285 (210)
Other Expenditure
Health 40 3 47 4 43 60 (17)
Tota l Other Expenditure 40 47 4 43 60 (17)
Total Resources 17,926 18,416 1,298 17,118 17,329 (211)
Capital - Additions 538 4 524 - 524 562 (38)
Capital - Disposals (7) 4 - 11 (11) - (11)
Capital (Other Expenditure) - Additions 5 4 1 3 4 (1)
Total Capital 536 528 12 516 566 (50)
Total Outturn 18,462 18,944 1,310 17,634 17,895 (261)

With effect from 2017-18, gross income and expenditure for the portfolio excludes income received from Integration Authorities on the basis that this presentation better reflects the funding relationship between Integration Authorities and NHS Boards. This adjustment has no impact on the portfolio’s net outturn position.

Income of £7,474m was received by Boards in 2022-23 (2021-22: £7,264m) for provision of healthcare services commissioned by Integration Authorities. NHS funding to Integration Authorities for 2022-23 totalled £7,177m (2021-22: £7,751m).

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. The main reason for the reported overspend is due to the difference in budgeting and accounting reporting requirements for Personal Protective Equipment.

Note 2. Lower than anticipated levels of NHS provisions and impairments.

Note 3. Lower than anticipated depreciation and impairments of NHS NPD/PPP/PFI schemes.

Note 4. Lower than anticipated capital budget requirements for NHS Right of Use assets following implementation of the accounting standard IFRS 16 Leases.

Social Justice, Housing and Local Government

Social Justice, Housing and Local Government Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Local Government 9,683 1 9,671 - 9,671 9,636 35
Housing 613 2 589 11 578 601 (23)
Social Justice 20 25 - 25 27 (2)
Third Sector 38 22 - 22 22 -
Central Government Grants to Local Authorities 100 100 - 100 100 -
Social Security 298 3 389 2 387 408 (21)
Social Security Assistance 3,484 4 4,046 - 4,046 4,039 7
Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights 46 50 1 49 47 2
Building Standards 4 7 - 7 5 2
Ukrainian Resettlement - 5 231 - 231 212 19
Total Expenditure Limit 14,286 15,130 14 15,116 15,097 19
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Non-Domestic Rates 2,090 2,766 - 2,766 2,766 -
Housing (195) 6 (29) - (29) (97) 68
Social Security Scotland (1) 7 (8) - (8) 2 (10)
Total AME 1,894 2,729 - 2,729 2,671 58
Total Resources 18,180 17,859 14 17,845 17,768 77
Capital - Housing 13 8 167 115 52 127 (75)
Capital - Social Security 83 9 98 - 98 93 5
Capital - Social Security Scotland 14 7 - 7 7 -
Capital - Other - 5 - 5 7 (2)
Total Capital 110 277 115 162 234 (72)
Total Outturn 16,290 18,136 129 18,007 18,002 5

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. Additional funding was provided to local authorities after the deadline for the Spring Budget Revision of £33m for the Teachers Pay Award.

Note 2. Lower than expected Discretionary Housing Payments following an overestimation in costs by the Scottish Fiscal Commission, and lower Rented Sector Reform costs following staff resource being diverted to the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Act during the year. In addition to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme's slower pace of delivery owing to inflation and the Housing sector's limited capacity.

Note 3. As a result of Programme planning to support delivery timelines, cash-based Resource expenditure was £1.5 million lower than budget. Also, as a result of a review it was agreed that the useful economic life of intangible assets should be extended, resulting in a £19 million reduction for non-cash depreciation expenditure. In addition there were other minor variances across the programme.

Note 4. Benefit expenditure is demand led and cannot be controlled in the same way as other budgets where spending limits can be set. Further information on benefit spend can be found in the Social Security Scotland accounts for 2022-23 at

Note 5. The resource overspend of £19 million represents in the main the higher than anticipated cost of temporary accommodation in 22-23 due to the success of the 'Super Sponsor Scheme' resulting in strong demand. Given the assurances made to displaced Ukrainians, and the risk of homelessness were this support not to be provided, this is broadly a demand-led item of expenditure.

Note 6. Relates to year end fair value adjustments for housing loans, shared equity schemes, and charitable bonds. Loan adjustments are discounted in year 1 (depending on the interest rate charged on loans), and the discount unwound in subsequent years.

Note 7. The budget for impairment for unrecoverable debt was based on prior year experience as we rely on the Department for Work and Pensions for this information. Following a change in methodology and their annual impairment review what materialised was lower.

Note 8. Additional receipts were received in year in relation to house sales which are outside of SG control. Income for this is only received when individual home owners who are part of the shared equity schemes sell their properties.

Note 9. As a result of Programme planning to support delivery timelines, cash-based Capital expenditure was £5million higher than budget.

Finance and Economy

Finance and Economy Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Scottish Public Pension Agency 22 25 - 25 24 1
Other Finance 108 89 3 86 88 (2)
Digital 140 1 151 9 142 138 4
Planning 12 9 - 9 8 1
Employability and Training 75 2 93 - 93 88 5
Enterprise, Trade and Investment 872 3 297 9 288 348 (60)
European Social Fund - 2014-20 Programmes (3) 4 85 63 22 - 22
European Regional Development Fund 1 28 1 49 47 -
ESF and ERDF Closed Schemes (1) - - - - -
Economic Advice 13 17 1 16 14 2
Scottish National Investment Bank 12 5 (5) - (5) 7 (12)
Accountant in Bankruptcy (1) 9 9 - 1 (1)
Cities Investment and Strategy 331 292 - 292 294 (2)
Ferguson Marine 61 6 67 - 67 7 60
Rural Economy Enterprise 111 104 - 104 104 0
Tourism 111 7 61 - 61 64 (3)
Total Expenditure Limit 1,864 1,322 122 1,200 1,185 15
Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)
Enterprise, Trade and Investment - - - - - -
ESF 14-20 Programmes 14 8 (33) - (33) - (33)
Enterprise, Trade and Investment (47) 21 - 21 - 21
Other Finance 4 - - - - -
Scottish National Investment Bank 1 9 18 - 18 10 8
Total AME (28) 6 - 6 10 (4)
Total Resources 1,836 1,328 122 1,206 1,195 11
Capital - Additions/Advances 64 10 39 - 39 59 (20)
Capital - Disposals/Repayments (21) 10 - 13 (13) - (13)
Capital - Accountancy in Bankruptcy 4 - 4 1 3
Capital - Advances Scottish National Investment Bank 147 11 156 - 156 180 (24)
Capital - Additions Ferguson Marine 54 12 64 - 64 61 3
Total Capital 244 263 13 250 301 (51)
Total Outturn 2,080 1,591 135 1,456 1,496 (40)

Finance and Economy Portfolio Outturn statement (continued)

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. £1m over spend due to contractual milestone payments regarding delivery within the R100 programme, and other minor variances across the programme.

Note 2. Higher than expected employment programme expenditure primarily relating to North East Economic Recovery & Skills Fund, National Transition Training Fund and the Flexible Workforce Development Fund.

Note 3. Scottish Enterprise underspend of £25m as they used additional non-budgeted income prior to drawing down SG funding. £15m European Structural Fund Write Off underspend, as expenditure was recorded against European Social Fund - 2014-20 Programmes. Return of £10m unspent Covid-19 Business Support grants from 21/22. Transfer of Clyde Mission responsibility to Glasgow City (£8m). Overspends for Covid 19 Business Support Grants to Local Authorities that didn't receive any budget this year.

Note 4. European Structural Fund write offs of £21.5m, related exchange losses of £0.2m, and financial penalties of £0.9m (The budget for which sits within Enterprise Trade and Investment).

Note 5. SNIB generated additional income during the year and reduced the amount of cash it held at year end.

Note 6. Ferguson Marine overspend due to impairment of assets under construction following updated valuation of vessels 801 and 802.

Note 7. £3m Visit Scotland underspend from drawdown in 21/22 which was agreed could be carried over and returned in 22/23. In addition to a further underspend for the Dandelion project.

Note 8. Reversal of a provision for the future potential under-recovery of European Social Fund Income.

Note 9. This non-cash variance is due to the final valuation of investments at year-end not being aligned with the estimated budget requested.

Note 10. There is an underspend on capital expenditure partly due to a mixture of projects: the return of unused Covid 19 Business Support Grants, late decision to move responsibility of Clyde Mission to Glasgow City and Region, a slippage in City Deals following increased construction costs and supply chain issues, the reclassification of Digital Strategy capital spend for Asset Under Construction to resource, and lower than expected capitalisation of the Techscaler project costs.

Note 11. The timing of investments at year-end did not result in the full budget being used by 31 March. Two investment deals that were due to complete in March 2023 were delayed until the 23/24 financial year.

Note 12. Overspend for consultancy costs by Ferguson Marine for the construction of vessels 801 and 802.

Education and Skills

Education and Skills Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Learning 304 1 364 2 362 335 27
Children and Families 163 2 206 28 178 203 (25)
Early Learning and Childcare Programme 15 8 - 8 9 (1)
Higher Education Student Support 61 3 442 2 440 67 373
Scottish Funding Council 1,976 2,038 - 2,038 2,038 -
Advanced Learning and Science 18 15 - 15 16 (1)
Skills and Training 278 4 227 - 227 250 (23)
Central Government Grants to Local Authorities 699 666 - 666 666 -
Total Expenditure Limit 3,514 3,966 32 3,934 3,584 350
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Learning - - - - - -
Higher Education Student Support (285) 5 (390) 211 (601) (289) (312)
Total AME (285) (390) 211 (601) (289) (312)
Total Resources (of which Operating Costs) 3,229 3,576 243 3,333 3,295 38
Capital - Additions/Advances 12 12 - 12 13 (1)
Capital (AME) - Advances 691 6 799 - 799 696 103
Capital (AME) - Repayments (152) 6 - 196 (196) - (196)
Total Capital 551 811 196 615 709 (94)
Total Outturn 3,780 4,387 439 3,948 4,004 (56)

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. Teacher Training overspend due to the Teachers pay deal agreed in March 2023. Gaelic overspend due to the Cnoc Soillier phase 2 project in South Uist.

Note 2. Children’s Services Planning Partnerships was allocated budget of £32m in their first year of a multi-year commitment to drive local transformation of holistic whole family support. £16.5 million was not allocated during the year due to emerging considerations and further development was required to ensure best fit to the Whole Family Wellbeing Programme outcomes fund.

In addition the level of redress payments associated with contributors to the Redress Scheme for survivors of historic abuse in care was higher than anticipated resulting in a cost reduction.

Note 3. The reported overspend in Higher Education Student Support is driven by the cost of Providing Student Loans though the RAB and Stock Charges. A ring-fenced non-cash credit budget of (£323m) was provided based on 2021-22 outturn, however due to the drivers in the Student Loan model (including set interest rates and discount rates) the final charge was a cost of £82 million, a movement of £405m (for more details see the accounting policies note and note 10f.) This is a ring-fenced budget and not available for use elsewhere in the Education portfolio. In addition there was an offsetting £30m Student Support and Tuition Fee underspend due to lower than anticipated student numbers along with a £3m underspend due to fluctuations in debt holder forecasts in terms of write offs.

Note 4. Due to delays in claims of European Social Funding in 2020-21, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) were previously provided with additional cashflow support to continue to pay training providers at the request of Scottish Ministers . In 2022-23 European Social Fund income was received so less grant in aid was therefore required in 2022-23. There was also a Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) underspend in this demand led programme.

Note 5. This non-cash variance is predominantly due to movement in the fair value calculation in relation to Student Loans - for more details see the accounting policies note and note 10f.

Note 6. Student Loans - applications for loan funding were below expected levels. There were also higher student loan repayments than expected. This was partially offset by higher capitalised interest due to the Bank of England base rate increasing more than anticipated.

Justice and Veterans

Justice and Veterans Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Community Justice Services 50 61 - 61 61 -
Judiciary 5 2 - 2 3 (1)
Criminal Injuries Compensation 16 1 19 - 19 16 3
Legal Aid 133 147 - 147 147 -
Police Central Government 73 73 2 71 71 -
Safer and Stronger Communities 12 21 7 14 13 1
Police and Fire Pensions 515 2 621 - 621 661 (40)
Scottish Prison Service 324 351 7 344 344 -
Miscellaneous 53 59 1 58 58 -
Scottish Police Authority 1,381 1,379 - 1,379 1,379 -
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 311 3 336 - 336 329 7
Central Government Grants to Local Authorities 86 86 - 86 86 -
Total Expenditure Limit 2,959 3,155 17 3,138 3,168 (30)
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Scottish Prison Service (1) - - - - -
Total AME (1) - - - - -
Other Expenditure
Scottish Prison Service 71 84 - 84 84 -
Scottish Police Authority Loan Charges 4 5 - 5 5 -
Total Other Expenditure 75 89 17 89 89 -
Total Resources 3,033 3,244 17 3,227 3,257 (30)
Capital - Scottish Prison Service 51 71 - 71 72 (1)
Total Capital 51 71 - 71 72 (1)
Total Outturn 3,084 3,315 17 3,298 3,329 (31)

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. Overspend due to increased case volume in a demand led, rights based compensation scheme.

Note 2. Police and Fire pensions are demand led. Due to changes in the pensions schemes including the HM Treasury remedy to age discrimination, many police officers and firefighters chose to retire early in 2022-23. The budget was increased to cover the additional cost but unexpectedly the early retirements slowed towards the end of the financial year, leading to an underspend.

Note 3. Additional funding was provided for the Firefighter pay award and working capital requirements.

Net Zero, Energy and Transport

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Rail Services 1,520 1 1,397 4 1,393 1,425 (32)
Concessionary Fares and Bus Services 385 2 414 - 414 398 16
Active Travel, Low Carbon and Other Transport 255 3 218 2 216 305 (89)
Motorways and Trunk Roads 511 4 559 1 558 461 97
Ferry Services 230 288 5 283 284 (1)
Air Services 89 77 - 77 78 (1)
Scottish Forestry 57 5 70 10 60 82 (22)
Energy 77 203 15 188 190 (2)
Forestry and Land Scotland 44 30 - 30 30 -
Research, Analysis and Other Services 76 79 - 79 81 (2)
Environmental Services 168 6 179 - 179 186 (7)
Land Reform 10 7 11 - 11 14 (3)
Climate Change and Land Managers Renewable Fund 15 8 24 - 24 33 (9)
Scottish Water (102) 9 5 108 (103) (99) (4)
Central Government Grants to Local Authorities 55 82 - 82 83 (1)
Total Expenditure Limit 3,390 3,636 145 3,491 3,551 (60)
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Active Travel, Low Carbon and Other Transport 15 (4) - (4) - (4)
Total AME 15 (4) - (4) - (4)
Other Expenditure
Motorways and Trunk Roads PPP/PFI 129 111 - 111 109 2
Total Other Expenditure 129 111 - 111 109 2
Total Resources 3,534 3,743 145 3,598 3,660 (62)
Capital - Scottish Water 239 248 85 163 163 -
Capital - Other 53 10 17 (7) 24 16 8
Capital - Transport Scotland 238 11 249 12 237 302 (65)
Capital (AME) - Capital Provision (2) 12 9 - 9 - 9
Total capital 528 523 90 433 481 (48)
Total Outturn 4,062 4,266 235 4,031 4,141 (110)

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Portfolio Outturn statement (continued)

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. Underspends mainly due to final outturn for Network Rail Compensation for strikes being less than budget.

Note 2. There was an overspend due to extensions to the Network Support Grant Plus scheme until 31 March 2023. However this was offset by savings against budget in both main National Concessionary Travel Schemes due to demand being less than intially forecast.

Note 3. There was a underspend within Other Transport across the Future Transport Fund. This is due to several schemes including: the deferral of the second phase of the ScotZEB programme and other budgeted but non-committed spend to 2023-24 financial year; lower-than- expected third-party demand and ability to deliver on some grant funding for example within the Bus Partnership Fund and Low Carbon Programmes; and general savings across the programmed driven through improved controls in grant awards and accounting adjustments.

Transport Scotland also received £20m of income late in the year from the sale of a Joint Venture in one of their NDPBs.

Note 4. Overspend in Motorway and Trunk Roads mainly due to accounting adjustments in relation to the final output of the Road Asset Valuation System and calculation of the PFI year-end creditor adjustment.

Note 5. There was also an underspend of £21m on woodland planting targets. Reduced levels of woodland creation were approved for planting during 2022-23. In addition, around 30% of nearly 11,000ha of approved projects have been delayed due to the range of factors including operational issues, forestry contractor availability and land ownership changes.

Note 6. £5m underspend on demand led waste and noise and air quality activities. £2m lower than anticipated drawdown of funding by local authorities related to the Zero Waste Recycling Improvement Fund.

Note 7. £1m staff cost savings due to enhanced recruitment controls during the financial year. £2m delays in asset transfer request decisions by the outside public bodies who owned the assets leading to delayed spend.

Note 8. £5m underspend in Climate Action and Just Transition Fund mainly relates to slippage in community grants and Ministerial prioritisation. £3m underspend in Community Climate Action Programme due to spending controls and other minor variances.

Note 9. £1m Hydro Nation business support grants rephased until 2023-24 due to spending controls. £1m higher than anticipated Interest receivable on Voted Loans. £2m underspend in demand led private Water grants.

Note 10. Additional provisions for Land and for Capital Grants for Motorway and Trunk Roads.

Note 11. Underspend on capital in year within Transport Scotland is due to the impact of changes to assumptions of lease terms for Rolling Stock which transferred to Scotrail Trains on 1 April 2022. This is an IFRS 16 Accounting Adjustment, and the budget is ring fenced specifically for technical adjustments only.

Note 12. The Capital Provision spend relates to Transport Scotland and additional provisions for Land and for Capital Grants.

Further information on the Budget Programme lines relating to Transport Scotland can be found in their accounts available at

Rural Affairs and Islands

Rural Affairs and Islands Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Agricultural Support and Related Services 701 728 23 705 707 (2)
Rural Services 51 1 61 - 61 54 7
Fisheries and Aquaculture Grants 14 2 14 1 13 17 (4)
Marine Scotland 92 110 9 101 103 (2)
Islands Plan 9 8 - 8 8 -
Total Expenditure Limit 867 921 33 888 889 (1)
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Agricultural Support and Related Services 1 - - - - -
Marine Scotland 1 1 - 1 1 -
Total AME 2 1 - 1 1 -
Other Expenditure
Animal License Fees - - - - - -
Total Other Expenditure - - - - - -
Total Resources 869 922 33 889 890 (1)
Capital - Additions/Advances 351 16 - 16 18 (2)
Capital - Disposals/Repayments (343) - 10 (10) (10) -
Total Capital 8 16 10 6 8 (2)
Total Outturn 877 938 43 895 898 (3)

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. Unfunded compensation payments relating to Avian Influenza and Tuberculosis outbreaks.

Note 2. Submitted claims lower than anticipated within the demand led Marine Fund Scotland grant schemes (£4m). Fisheries Harbour scheme did not progress as planned (£1m) and other minor variances across the programme.

Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery

Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Government Business and Constitutional Affairs 56 12 - 12 13 (1)
Organisational Readiness 3 1 25 - 25 29 (4)
Governance and Reform 4 3 - 3 3 -
Total Expenditure Limit 63 40 - 40 45 (5)
Total Resources 63 40 - 40 45 (5)
Capital - - - - - -
Total Capital - - - - - -
Total Outturn 63 40 - 40 45 (5)

Explanation of Major Variances greater than £3m:

Note 1. Underspend relates to the delay in the setting up of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.

Constitution, External Affairs and Culture

Constitution, External Affairs and Culture Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit
Culture and Major Events 248 1 178 - 178 181 (3)
External Affairs 31 32 1 31 31 -
Historic Environment Scotland 74 62 - 62 62 -
Total Expenditure Limit 353 272 1 271 274 (3)
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Culture and Major Events 3 (4) - (4) (3) (1)
Total AME 3 (4) - (4) (3) (1)
Total Resources 356 268 1 267 271 (4)
Capital DEL - Additions / Advances - - - - - -
Capital DEL - Disposals/Repayments (1) - - - - -
Total Capital (1) - - - - -
Total Outturn 355 268 1 267 271 (4)

Explanation of Variances:

Note 1. Variance is partly from cultural capital underspends due to planned works not proceeding, partly due to leases being lower than anticipated, and partly due to additional grants received in public bodies.

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Consolidated Portfolio Outturn Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
Programme Restated 2021-22 Outturn £m Variance Note Gross Expenditure £m Income Applied £m Outturn £m Budget £m Variance £m
Expenditure Limit Staff Costs
The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service 114 139 - 139 139 -
Administration Expenditure
Accommodation 9 7 - 7 6 1
Travel/Transport - 1 - 1 - 1
Legal 31 35 - 35 34 1
Supplies and Services 5 1 7 2 5 8 (3)
Capital Charges 6 5 - 5 6 (1)
IFRS 16 Depreciation - 3 - 3 3 -
Other Office Costs 3 2 - 2 4 (2)
Total Expenditure Limit 168 199 2 197 200 (3)
UK Funded Annually Managed Expenditure
Impairment 1 2 - 2 2 -
Provisions 7 (15) - (15) (17) 2
Total AME 8 (13) - (13) (15) 2
Total Resources 176 186 2 184 185 (1)
Capital - Additions 9 2 7 - 7 10 (3)
Total Capital 9 7 - 7 10 (3)
Total Outturn 185 193 2 191 195 (4)

Explanation of Variances:

Note 1. The variance on supplies and services is made up of various differences across the range of expenditure.

Note 2. The variance on capital is in relation to the implementation of IFRS16 Leases.



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