The Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024

The consolidated accounts report actual outturn and compare it to the budget authorised by the Scottish Parliament, each stated on the same accounting basis. The accounts have received a clean bill of health from Audit Scotland for the past 19 years.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 March 2024
Restated 2022-23 Note 2023-24
£m £m
(48,211) Net cash outflow from operating activities (A) (49,828)
(1,829) Net cash outflow from investment activities (B) (1,936)
117 Payments (from)/to the SCF (D) (251)
49,245 Cash flows from financing activities (C) 52,430
(678) Increase / (Decrease) in cash in the period 2 415
(A) Reconciliation of operating costs to operating cash flows (47,707) Net Operating Expenditure SoCTE (51,573)
12 Income not applied 5b 5
460 Adjustments for non-cash transactions 3 1,104
220 Add back: interest payable for financing 244
(4) Increase / (decrease) in inventories 45
(148) (Increase) / decrease in receivables and other current assets 4 62
(951) Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables 4 (148)
14 Increase / (decrease) in provisions 4 433
(107) Interest receivable -
(48,211) Net cash outflow from operating activities (49,828)
(B) Analysis of cash flows from investing activities (863) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (766)
(162) Purchase of intangible assets (152)
- Proceeds of disposal of property, plant and equipment (3)
6 Proceeds of disposal of intangible assets 5
- Proceeds of assets held for sale -
(1,108) Advances of Investments (1,183)
(151) Acquisition of Shares (302)
417 Repayments of Investments 371
32 NLF Loans 14 94
(1,829) Net Cash outflow from investment activities (1,936)
(C) Analysis of cash flows from financing activities 49,535 From Scottish Consolidated Fund SOCTE 52,474
- Additional funding from pensions schemes 317
- Non-cash adjustments to SCF Funding 64
(32) Loan transactions with the National Loans Fund (94)
(146) Capital element of payments in respect of finance leases (211)
109 Interest received 124
(221) Interest element of finance leases and NPD/PPP/PFI contracts included in SoFP (244)
- Interest paid -
49,245 Cash flows from financing activities 52,430
678 Decrease/(Increase) in cash equivalents 2 (415)
49,923 Net cash and cash equivalents requirement 52,015

(D) Payments to the Scottish Consolidated Fund (SCF) represent the increase in the balance receivable from the SCF of £251m.

The prior year cashflow balances have been adjusted for the adjustments processed through the Health board figures, due to changes in the accounting for the PFI liabilities and the NHS Boards consolidation adjustments.



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