The Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024

The consolidated accounts report actual outturn and compare it to the budget authorised by the Scottish Parliament, each stated on the same accounting basis. The accounts have received a clean bill of health from Audit Scotland for the past 19 years.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 March 2024
2022-23 Restated Note 2023-24
£m £m
Non-Current Assets 38,294 Property, Plant and Equipment 6 39,126
443 Intangible Assets 7 522
539 Right of Use Assets 8 514
12,932 Other Financial Assets including Investments due in more than one year 11 13,669
113 Receivables and Other Assets due in more than one year 13 143
52,321 Total Non-Current Assets 53,974
Current Assets 211 Inventories 10 165
1,147 Receivables and Other Current Assets 13 975
374 Cash and Cash Equivalents 2 789
322 Other Financial Assets including Investments due within one year 11 423
8 Non-Current Assets Classified as Held for Sale 9 7
2,062 Total Current Assets 2,359
54,383 Total Assets 56,333
Current Liabilities (4,512) Payables and Other Current Liabilities 14 (4,527)
(100) Other Financial Liabilities due within one year 14 (87)
(366) Provisions for Liabilities and Charges due within one year 15 (561)
(4,978) Total Current Liabilities (5,175)
49,405 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 51,158
Non-Current Liabilities (3,178) Payables and Other Liabilities 14 (3,677)
(410) Other Financial Liabilities due in more than one year 14 (327)
(997) Provisions for Liabilities and Charges due in more than one year 15 (1,235)
(4,585) Total Non-Current Liabilities (5,239)
44,820 Assets less Liabilities 45,919
Taxpayers' Equity 27,493 General Fund SOCTE 27,666
17,327 Revaluation Reserve SOCTE 18,253
44,820 Total Taxpayers' Equity 45,919

John-Paul Marks

Principal Accountable Officer

08 October 2024



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