
Contribution to international development report: 2018-2019

This second annual report takes a holistic look at a wide cross-section of Scottish Government international development activity, and presents it within the context of the UN Global Goals.


“The UN Sustainable Development Goals offer a vision of the world that I believe people in Scotland share. From ending poverty and hunger; securing education and health services; combating inequality and achieving gender equality, the aims set out by the UN form an agenda for tackling some of the world’s greatest problems.”

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, July 2015

“My main message is a very simple one – thank you for all you do.

The Scottish Government is hugely grateful for the contribution you make, and we will support that work in any and every way we can.“

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, Alliance Conference, September 2018

Acknowledgements Our thanks to all our partners, within the Scottish Government and externally, who have inputted to this Report and have themselves contributed to development outcomes.



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