
Scottish Government at COP26: What was achieved?

This report provides an account of the activities delivered through the Scottish Government’s COP26 programme and how that activity supported the Scottish Government’s main climate related policy aims.

Framework for reporting

The Scottish Government set three main policy aims for COP26:

  • Scotland plays its part in securing an ambitious and deliverable global deal at COP26
  • COP26 fully contributes to Scotland meeting Net Zero through a Just Transition
  • COP26 enhances Scotland’s place in the world and attracts, innovation, investment and builds partnerships that bring benefits

These aims relate to long-term strategic areas of focus across the Scottish Government, such as trade and investment, diplomatic relationships, and policies associated with Net Zero and a Just Transition. Therefore, while being geographic hosts of COP26 offered opportunity to positively impact on these wider government objectives, the Scottish Government’s COP26 programme is just one of many factors that will have an influence on achieving these wider aims. Furthermore, full progress against these aims cannot be established immediately and will take time to determine.

In order to better understand how the Scottish Government’s COP26 programme could contribute towards these aims, a theory-based framework was developed (p.6).

This included identifying a series of more specific objectives under each of the three broad aims. These reflect the particular areas the Scottish Government sought to influence at COP26 to achieve the three aims. However, neither the aims or objectives are mutually exclusive, and delivery of one can influence delivery of the other. For example, if Scotland attracts innovation and investment, it might be expected to enhance Scotland’s progress to Net Zero. Similarly, influencing global conversations on climate justice and biodiversity loss might help enhance Scotland’s profile as a global climate leader.

An extensive programme of Scottish Government activity – leading up to and throughout the COP26 fortnight – was developed to deliver on these objectives. For the purpose of this report, this has been organised into eight ‘categories of activity’. Each category of activity was designed to contribute to multiple aims and objectives.

The remainder of this report looks at each of these activity categories in turn, providing detail of the key elements of the programme and considering these against the objectives identified. This allows some assessment of the ways in which the Scottish Government contributed to meeting its aims in relation to COP26.

Strategic aims for COP26

Scotland plays its full part in securing an ambitious and deliverable global deal at COP26

COP26 enhances Scotland’s progress to Net Zero through a Just Transition

COP26 enhances Scotland’s place in the world, attracts innovation and investment, and builds partnerships that bring benefit

COP26 objectives linked to strategic aims

1 Influence global conversations on climate justice and biodiversity loss

2 Provide a bridge between marginalised voices and those making decisions

3 Galvanise greater action from different levels of government and civic society stakeholders

4 Expand ambition in Scotland’s domestic climate change agenda

5 Stimulate greater understanding and action from the Scottish public

6 Empower Scottish children and young people to get involved in COP26 and climate action generally

7 Build and strengthen partnerships and connections at a global level

8 Raise Scotland’s Net Zero trade and investment profile

9 Enhance Scotland’s profile as a global climate leader

Categories of activity designed to deliver on COP26 objectives

Providing Spaces: Providing venues and spaces to facilitate Scottish Government aims at COP26

Platforming marginalised voices to build bridges: Providing spaces, and supporting initiatives, to allow those marginalised in formal climate negotiations to make their voices heard

Mobilising stakeholders: Bringing stakeholders together to share perspectives and knowledge, build relationships and encourage greater collective action

Engaging the Scottish public: Raising awareness of climate change and biodiversity issues amongst the Scottish public to prompt, motivate and inspire behaviour change

Championing global initiatives: Creating, joining, signing or endorsing initiatives to set the “mood music” for COP26 and encourage greater collective action

Demonstrating expanded domestic action: Using COP26 to enhance Scotland’s policies and solutions to further Scotland’s domestic climate change agenda

Showcasing Scotland’s trade and investment opportunities: Promoting Scotland’s business and investment opportunities to global audience of trade partners and investors

Hosting diplomatic discussions: Undertaking engagements to establish new partnerships, give leadership to key issues and share unique expertise and technical capacity



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