Energy networks vision summit

In Feb 2020, the Scottish Government hosted the Energy Networks Vision Summit aimed to help shape the future of Scotland’s electricity and gas networks, giving stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the issues addressed in the report ‘Scotland's electricity and and gas networks: 'Vision to 2030'.

Making sure low carbon is incentivised and prioritised

Innovation which brings together previously disparate parts of the energy system can help ensure that we make the most of local opportunities in a 'whole system' way. Network companies are increasingly focusing on delivering innovation as part of their daily business, leading to greater opportunities for non-network companies to help networks access flexibility from customers and deliver the services that people and businesses genuinely want.

Several workshops highlighted the need for all energy players to work together on innovation projects, regulatory change, and whole system planning. Low carbon technology developers need to understand the opportunities that their products can provide, and more should be done to educate consumers and energy producers about their benefits and impact on the energy system. All energy stakeholders and organisations need to work together to build the right policy and regulatory frameworks to encourage low carbon technologies, especially in new developments.



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