
Scottish Government Equality Outcomes: Ethnicity Evidence Review

This evidence review was prepared to support the production of the Scottish Government's Equality Outcomes, with regard to ethnicity.

18 References

1. EHRC (Undated) Protected Characteristics: Definitions.
Accessed 10/9/2012.

2. Brown, P., Niner, P. and Lomax, D. (2010) Assessing local authorities' progress in meeting the accommodation needs of Gypsy and Traveller communities in Scotland - final report, EHRC.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

3. Scottish Government (2004) 'Demographics' in Analysis of Ethnicity in the 2001 Census - Summary Report.
Accessed 11/9/2012.

4. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and Ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

5. Scottish Government (2010) 'Equalities' in Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2009.
Accessed 15/4/2013.

6. Office for National Statistics (2012) Ethnicity and National Identity in England and Wales 2011.
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7. Scottish Government (2012) Pupil Census Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.3: 2012 Edition
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Accessed 22/8/2012.

11. de Lima, P. (2003) 'Beyond Place: Ethnicity/race in the debate on social exclusion/inclusion in Scotland', Policy Futures in Education, 1, 4: 653-667.

12. Netto, G., Arshad, R., de Lima, P., Diniz, F.A., MacEwan, M., Patel, V. and Syed, R. (2001) Audit of Research on Minority Ethnic Issues in Scotland from a 'Race' Perspective. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

13. Scottish Executive (2006) High Level Summary of Equality Statistics: Key trends for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

14. Netto, G., Arshad, R., de Lima, P., Diniz, F.A., MacEwan, M., Patel, V. and Syed, R. (2001) Audit of Research on Minority Ethnic Issues in Scotland from a 'Race' Perspective. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

15. de Lima, P. (2003) 'Beyond Place: Ethnicity/race in the debate on social exclusion/inclusion in Scotland', Policy Futures in Education, 1, 4: 653-667

16. Arshad, R., Almeida Diniz, F., Kelly, E., O'Hara, P., Sharp, S. and Syed, R. (2004) Minority Ethnic Pupils' Experiences of School in Scotland (MEPESS). Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

17. Scottish Government (2012) Summary statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living, No. 2: 2012 Edition - Leavers.
Accessed 22/4/2013.

18. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

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20. Scottish Qualifications Authority (2010) Attainment and School Leaver Qualifications in Scotland: 2008-09.
Accessed 29/4/2013

21. Scottish Government (2010) 'Table 10' in Exclusions from Schools, 2008/09.
Accessed 15/4/2013.

22. EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 10: Education' in How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

23. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.
Accessed 4/10/12

24. Scottish Government (2012) Scotland Performs: National indicators.
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25. Cemlyn, S., Greenfields, M., Burnett, S., Matthews, Z. and Whitwell, C. (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: A review, EHRC Research Report 12.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

26. Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). (2006) Common Ground: Equality, good race relations and sites for Gypsies and Irish Travellers: Report of a CRE inquiry in England and Wales. London: CRE.
Accessed 26/4/2013.

27. Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) (2008). Attendance advice - Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children.
Accessed 26/4/2013.

28. Cemlyn, S., Greenfields, M., Burnett, S., Matthews, Z. and Whitwell, C. (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: A review, EHRC Research Report 12.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

29. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.
Accessed 4/10/12

30. Equality Challenge Unit (2012) Equality in colleges in Scotland: statistical report 2012.
Accessed 8/10/2012.

31. Scottish Funding Council (2012) College Performance Indicators 2010-11,
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32. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.
Accessed 4/10/12

33. Riddell, S., Litjens, J., Ahlgren, L., Weedon, E. and Burns, C. (undated) Equality and diversity in the further education workforce, University of Edinburgh.
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34. Cummins, S. et al. (2005) 'Neighbourhood environment and its association with self rated health: evidence from Scotland and England'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2005, 59, pp. 207-13.

35. Blanden, J. & Gibbons, S. (2006) The persistence of poverty across generations. A view from two British cohorts. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

36. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder, citing the Annual Population Survey.
Accessed 29/4/2013.

37. Scottish Government (2004) Analysis of Ethnicity in the 2001 Census - Summary Report.
Accessed 22/1/2013.

38. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

39. Scottish Government Social Research (2011) The position of Scotland's equality groups: revisiting resilience in 2011.
Accessed 19/9/2012.

40. EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08.

41. Deakins, D., Ishaq, M., Smallbone, D., Whittam, G. and Whyper, J. (2005) Minority Ethnic Enterprise in Scotland: A National Scoping Study. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

42. Macpherson, S. and Lindsay, C. (2007) An Inclusive Approach to Enterprise in Scotland: Exploring business support and financial services for under-represented groups. Glasgow: Scottish Enterprise.

43. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.
Accessed 29/4/2013.

44. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

45. Scottish Government (2006) High Level Summary of Equality Statistics.
Accessed 21/12/2012.

46. Longhi, S. and Platt, L. (2008) 'Pay gaps across equalities areas'. Research Report 9. London: Equalities and Human Rights Commission.

47. Metcalf, H. (2009) 'Pay gaps across the equality strands: a review', EHRC Research Report 14,
Accessed 23/8/2012.

48. Platt, L. (2006) Pay Gaps: the position of ethnic minority women and men. Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission.

49. Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) (2007) Key Statistics. Manchester: EOC.

50. Scottish Government (2010) Caring in Scotland: Analysis of existing data sources on unpaid carers in Scotland.
Accessed 10/10/2012.

51. Cemlyn, S., Greenfields, M., Burnett, S., Matthews, Z. and Whitwell, C. (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: A review, EHRC Research Report 12.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

52. Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) (2004). Gypsies and Travellers. A Strategy for the CRE 2004-2007. London: CRE.

53. Greenfields, M. (2006) 'Bricks and Mortar Accommodation, Travellers in Houses'. In Clark, C. and Greenfields, M. (eds.) Here to Stay. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press.

54. Travellers Times. (2006) 'Frosty Reception', Travellers Times, 29, pp. 6. Hereford: The Rural Media Company.

55. Scottish Refugee Policy Forum (2012) A fairer Scotland for asylum seekers and refugees in a time of austerity? (Hard copy obtained from Scottish Refugee Council.)

56. Refugee Women's Strategy Group (2011) The struggle to contribute: a report identifying the barriers encountered by refugee women on their journey to employment in Scotland. (Hard copy obtained from Scottish Refugee Council.)

57. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

58. Scottish Government (2013) Social and Welfare - Income and Poverty - Main Analyses.
Accessed 18/9/2012.

59. Scottish Executive (2006) High Level Summary of Equality Statistics: Key trends for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

60. Scottish Government (2011) Equality Statement: Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13.
Accessed 29/4/2013.

61. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.
Accessed 22/4/2013.

62. Scottish Government Social Research (2011) The position of Scotland's equality groups: revisiting resilience in 2011.
Accessed 19/9/2012.

63. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder. Citing the Scottish Household Survey, 2009/10.
Accessed 4/10/12

64. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder. Citing the Family Resources Survey 2007/08.
Accessed 22/4/2013.

65. DWP (2011) Welfare Reform Bill, Universal Credit: Equality impact assessment.
Accessed 17/12/2012.

66. Department of Work and Pensions (2011) Household Benefit Cap: Equality impact assessment
Accessed 18/12/2012.

67. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

68. EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08.
Accessed 15/8/2012.

69. Office of the Chief Statistician (2004) Analysis of Ethnicity in the 2001 Census - Summary Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

70. Organisational Development and Support (ODS) (2007) Exploring the Housing Needs of Minority Ethnic Communities in Forth Valley. Research Précis. Edinburgh: Communities Scotland.

71. Organisational Development and Support (2006) Assessing the Housing Needs of Minority Ethnic Communities in North and South Lanarkshire. Research Précis. Edinburgh: Communities Scotland.

72. Netto, G., Fancy, C., Lomax, D., Satsangi, M. and Smith, H. (2003) Improving Understanding of the Housing Circumstances of Minority Ethnic Communities in Aberdeenshire and Moray. Edinburgh: Communities Scotland.

73. EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 12: Standard of living'. How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

74. Netto, G., Fancy, C., Lomax, D. and Pawson, H. (2004) Black and Minority Ethnic People and Homelessness Services in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

75. Scottish Refugee Policy Forum (2012) A fairer Scotland for asylum seekers and refugees in a time of austerity? (Hard copy obtained from Scottish Refugee Council.)

76. Brown, P., Niner, P. and Lomax, D. (2010) Assessing local authorities' progress in meeting the accommodation needs of Gypsy and Traveller communities in Scotland - final report, EHRC.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

77. Cemlyn, S., Greenfields, M., Burnett, S., Matthews, Z. and Whitwell, C. (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: A review, EHRC Research Report 12.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

78. Richardson, J. (2007) Providing Gypsy and Traveller sites: contentious spaces. Chartered Institute of Housing: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 23/4/2013.

79. Johnson, C. & Willers, M. (2007) Gypsy and Traveller Law. 2nd ed. London: Legal Action Group.

80. Morris, R. & Clements, L. (2002) At What Cost? The economics of Gypsy and Traveller encampments. Bristol: Policy Press.

81. Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) (2006). Common Ground: Equality, good race relations and sites for Gypsies and Irish Travellers: Report of a CRE inquiry in England and Wales. London: CRE.
Accessed 26/4/2013.

82. Power, C. (2004) Room to Roam: England's Irish Travellers. London: Action Group for Irish Youth.

83. Shelter (2007) Good Practice Briefing: Working with Housed Gypsies and Travellers. London: Shelter.

84. Scottish Government (2011) 'Chapter 11: Infrastructure and Capital Investment' in Equality Statement Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13.
Accessed 11/9/2012.

85. Scottish Government (2006) 'Chapter 11: Sub-group summary' in National Transport Strategy: User Consultation.
Accessed 5/9/2012.

86. Transport Scotland (Undated) Consultation on initiatives related to the ScotRail franchise extension
Accessed 5/9/2012.

87. Transport for London (2012) 'Black, Asian and minority ethnic people' in Understanding the travel needs of London's diverse communities: A summary of existing research.
Accessed 5/9/2012.

88. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder.
Accessed 4/10/12

89. Scottish Census Records Online.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

90. Scottish Executive (2006) High Level Summary of Equality Statistics: Key trends for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

91. EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 7: Legal security'. In How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 20/11/2012

92. Scottish Government (2011) Hate Crime.
Accessed 11/4/2013.

93. EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 8: Physical Security'. In How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

94. EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 7: Legal security'. In How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 20/11/2012

95. Scottish Government (2011) 'Racist incidents recorded by the police in Scotland, 2009-10' in Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series.
Accessed 11/9/2012.

96. Scotland data are from: Racist Incidents Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2009-10; England and Wales data: Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System, 2010; Northern Ireland data: Trends in Hate Motivated Incidents and Crimes in Northern Ireland, 2004/05 to 2010/11; Population estimates from ONS. Analysis from: Scottish Government (2012) The Strategy for Justice in Scotland.
Accessed 1/5/2013.

97. Scottish Government (2012) Hate Crime in Scotland 2011-12.
Accessed 28/8/2012.

98. de Lima, P. (2005) Addressing Racial Harassment in Rural Communities. CjScotland.
Accessed 23/8/2012.

99. Blake Stevenson Ltd (2003) Focus Groups with Minority Ethnic Communities. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

100. Frondigoun, L., Croall, H., Hughes, B., Russell, L., Russell, R. and Scott, G. (2007) Researching Ethnic Minority Youth Communities in Central Scotland. Report for Strathclyde and Lothian and Borders Police.

101. Scottish Borders Council (Undated) Domestic abuse: Issues facing women from Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic and refugee communities.
Accessed 24/4/2013.

102. Cemlyn, S., Greenfields, M., Burnett, S., Matthews, Z. and Whitwell, C. (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: A review, EHRC Research Report 12.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

103. United Nations. (2006) Broken Bodies, Broken Dreams: Violence Against Women Exposed. New York: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs / IRIN.

104. Cabinet Office (2011) Call to End Violence Against Women and Girls: Equality Impact Assessment
Accessed 30/4/2013

105. Scottish Government (2011) Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2010: Attitudes to Discrimination and Positive Action.
Accessed 18/10/2012.

106. Scottish Government (2011) Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2010: Attitudes to Discrimination and Positive Action.
Accessed 18/10/2012.

107. Scottish Refugee Policy Forum (2012) A fairer Scotland for asylum seekers and refugees in a time of austerity? (Hard copy obtained from Scottish Refugee Council.)

108. Scottish Government (2012) Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12.
Accessed 11/10/2012.

109. Scottish Prison Service (2010) Ethnic Minority and Foreign National Prisoners Survey.

110. Scottish Government (2011) Scottish Policing Performance Framework.
Accessed 11/10/2012.

111. Law Society of Scotland (2010) Robust Foundations: Changes in Law Society Membership Profile.
Accessed 11/10/2012.

112. Scottish Legal Aid Board (2010) Solicitor Survey 2010: Research with Legal Aid Practitioners.
Accessed 23/1/2013.

113. Law Society of Scotland (2011) The Experiences of Ethnic Minority Background Solicitors in Scotland.
Accessed 11/10/2012.

114. Scottish Legal Aid Board (2011) Public Defence Solicitors' Office Client Satisfaction Survey 2011: Clients' Views of the Service.
Accessed 23/1/2013.

115. Scottish Legal Aid Board (2009) Civil applicant survey 2009.
Accessed 4/2/2013

116. Scottish Government (2010) The Experience of Civil Law Problems in Scotland, 1997-2004.
Accessed 25/4/2013.

117. Scottish Government (Undated) 'What is a public appointment?' in Public Appointments.
Accessed 4/4/2013.

118. Scottish Government (Undated) 'Diversity' in Public Appointments.
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119. Scottish Government (2012) 'Topic report: equality groups', Scottish Health Survey.
Accessed 30/10/2012.

120. Khunti, K., Kumar, S. and Brodie, J. (2009) Diabetes UK and South Asian Health Foundation recommendations on diabetes research priorities for British South Asians.
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123. Scottish Government (2011) Variations in the Experiences of Inpatients in Scotland: Analysis of the 2010 Scottish Inpatient Survey.
Accessed 17/12/2012. Note that an analysis of the 2012 survey results is expected in Spring 2013.

124. Scottish Refugee Policy Forum (2012) A fairer Scotland for asylum seekers and refugees in a time of austerity? (Hard copy obtained from Scottish Refugee Council.)

125. Parry, G., Van Cleemput, P., Peters, J., Moore, J., Walters, S., Thomas, K. and Cooper, C. (2004) The Health Status of Gypsies & Travellers in England: Report of Department of Health Inequalities in Health Research Initiative, Project 121/7500. University of Sheffield.!/file/GT-final-report-for-web.pdf
Accessed 31/1/2013.

126. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder. Citing the 'Home Care census - datasets spread sheet'.
Accessed 4/10/12

127. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder. Citing 'Self Directed Support - Direct Payments'.
Accessed 4/10/12

128. Scottish Government (2012) Health and Social Care Datasets: Table 12,
Accessed 9/10/2012.

129. EHRC (2011) How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

130. Vernon, A . (2002) User-defined outcomes of community care for Asian disabled people. Bristol: Policy Press and Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

131. Jesper, E., Griffiths, F. and Smith, L. (2008) 'A qualitative study of the health experience of Gypsy Travellers in the UK with a focus on terminal illness'. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 9: 157-65.

132. Scottish Government (2012) 'Topic report: equality groups', Scottish Health Survey,
Accessed 30/10/2012.

133. Higgins, V., Dale, A. (2010) 'Ethnic Differences in Physical Activity and Obesity' in Ethnicity and Integration: Understanding Population Trends and Processes, Stillwell, J. and van Ham, M. (eds). Springer Netherlands.

134. Henning Brodersen, N., Steptoe, A. Boniface, D. R. and Wardle, J. (2007) 'Trends in physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adolescence: ethnicity and socioeconomic differences'. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol 41: 140-144.

135. EHRC and Sporting Equals (Undated) Equality and human rights in sport and physical activity, EHRC and Sporting Equals.
Accessed 1/10/2012.

136. Scott Porter Research and Marketing Ltd (2001) 'Sport and Ethnic Minority Communities: Aiming at Social Inclusion'. Cited in Scottish Government (2004) A literature review of the evidence base for culture, the arts and sport policy,

Accessed 28/11/2012

137. HEA (1999) 'Guidelines: Promoting physical activity with black and minority ethnic groups', Active for Life. Cited in Scottish Government (2004) A literature review of the evidence base for culture, the arts and sport policy,
Accessed 28/11/2012

138. Long, J., Hylton, K., Spracklen, K., Ratna, A. and Bailey, S. (2009) A Systematic Review of the Literature on Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in sport and physical recreation, Sporting Equals.
Accessed 7/12/2012

139. Scottish Government (2012) Evidence Finder, citing the Scottish Household Survey 2011.
Accessed 4/10/12

140. Office for National Statistics (2003) 'Focus on cultural diversity: the arts in England - attendance, participation and attitudes'. Cited in Scottish Government (2004) A literature review of the evidence base for culture, the arts and sport policy,
Accessed 28/11/2012

141. EHRC and OPM (2010) 'Significant inequalities in Scotland: indentifying significant inequalities and priorities for action' in EHRC Research Report 61.
Accessed 12/9/2012.

142. Netto, G., Sosenko, F. and Bramley, G. (2011) Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: Review of the literature and datasets. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Accessed 21/8/2012.

143. EHRC (2011) 'Chapter 8: Physical Security'. In How fair is Britain? Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010: the first triennial review.
Accessed 22/8/2012.

144. EHRC (2009) Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08.
Accessed 15/8/2012.

145. Metcalf, H. (2009) 'Pay gaps across the equality strands: a review', EHRC Research Report 14,
Accessed 23/8/2012.

146. Scottish Government (2012) Hate Crime in Scotland 2011-12.
Accessed 28/8/2012.

147. Brown, P., Niner, P. and Lomax, D. (2010) Assessing local authorities' progress in meeting the accommodation needs of Gypsy and Traveller communities in Scotland - final report, EHRC
Accessed 21/8/2012.

148. Cemlyn, S., Greenfields, M., Burnett, S., Matthews, Z. and Whitwell, C. (2009) 'Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller communities: A review', EHRC Research Report 12.
Accessed 21/8/2012.


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