
Scottish Government Equality Outcomes: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Evidence Review

This evidence review was prepared to support the production of the Scottish Government's Equality Outcomes, with regard to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

6 Conclusions

6.1 This review has observed that much of the evidence on sexual orientation and gender identity recommends actions specific to these equality groups. Whilst this is only natural, given that each piece of evidence is specific to an equality group, it should be borne in mind that the Scottish Government's Equalities Outcomes will address all of the equality groups.

Cross-cutting summary

6.2 Areas in which LGB people are thought to be treated less well than other people include:

  • Education: with bullying and harassment both in school, and in further and higher education,
  • Employment: in the form of discrimination, harassment or bullying,
  • Dealings with officials: with reluctance to engage with, or low confidence in, housing officials, police officers, the judicial system, and reporting hate-crime,
  • Fear of crime, and
  • Access to healthcare: this is hindered by perceived or actual discrimination.

6.3 In contrast, LGB people do not have specific or unmet transport needs, they appear to be successful in securing in public appointments, and they are not different to the average in self-reported health (lesbian and gay people only) or participation in sport. Contradictory evidence makes us unsure of the LGB position in terms of pay gaps and poverty.

6.4 In the main, problem areas for Transgender people tend to reflect those experienced by LGB people. Areas where treatment appears to be different for Transgender than LGB people include higher reported levels of harassment in education and employment, clearer figures for below-average incomes, widely-held discriminatory attitudes, and barriers to participation in sport. In healthcare, there were specific issues with awareness of Transgender needs and timescales for accessing services, but also widespread satisfaction with GPs' services.


Email: Social Research

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