
Scottish Government Equality Outcomes: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Evidence Review

This evidence review was prepared to support the production of the Scottish Government's Equality Outcomes, with regard to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

7 Appendix: Methods

7.1 Limitations of the research: it should be noted that, due to the time constraints under which this review was prepared, the evidence search has been selective rather than systematic or exhaustive.

7.2 The criteria for inclusion of evidence in this review were that it should have been produced within approximately the last ten years, be based on ideally on Scottish or else on UK data where this is available, and address the relevant policy areas. It should be noted that survey data disaggregated for this group in Scotland yield very small sample sizes, from which firm conclusions cannot be drawn.

7.3 The principal sources that have been checked in detail include:

  • Equality Network[133]
  • LGBT Youth Scotland[134]
  • Stonewall Scotland[135]
  • EHRC Equality issues in Scotland: a review of research, 2000-08[136]
  • EHRC Sexual orientation research review[137]
  • EHRC: How fair is Britain? [138]
  • EHRC: Pay gaps across the equality strands [139]
  • Scottish Government Hate Crime in Scotland 2011-12 [140]
  • EHRC Transgender Research Review [141]
  • Transgender experience in Scotland [142]


Email: Social Research

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