
Scottish Government Evaluation Action Plan

Evaluation is essential to the work of the Scottish Government (SG). This Action Plan sets out our vision for evaluation and the actions we will take to deliver this over coming years

Concluding Comment

This Action Plan has set out the actions we will take in coming years to develop our approach to evaluation in the SG. As well as setting out our vision and how we will achieve it, we have also highlighted the principles for when it is appropriate for our interventions to be evaluated. Many of the actions outlined in the plan, such as developing and delivering training for all relevant staff, will help us continue to evolve the culture around evaluation in the SG. We will also seek to strengthen the quality of evidence collected, and how we communicate and utilise findings from evaluations more effectively.

To track our progress in achieving the vision and the associated actions, we will publish an annual progress update on the Action Plan. This will outline the actions taken forward during the previous 12 months. The report will include details of a selection of planned, and ongoing, evaluations. We will also set out the ways in which evidence from recently published evaluations has been used in informing government decisions, and in designing other related interventions.



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