
Goose management policy review 2022

Update on progress in delivering goose management policies. this sets out proposals to refresh policies for delivery of goose management over the next 5 to 10 years and highlights emerging issues that will require actions in the medium to longer term.

Annex 3. Summary of Consultation Responses

The consultation used MS Forms to collate data and the following information is set out in the format that MS forms allows. Whilst the stats include all the response data, the summary laid out by the Forms software provides single quotes from random responses. The average numbers relate to numerical responses where 1 is negative and 5 is positive.

257 Responses

1. Which area is your interest in?

2. What is your interest in goose management?

3. Are you involved in a goose management scheme?

4. In the last five years do you feel that the three policy objectives have been met?

5. If you have any comments on or proposals to amend the objectives, please detail below.

98 Responses

Latest Responses "From a point of view of plant genetic diversity conservation,… "National Local Goose management schemes, when properly…

6. Has the current policy of prioritising different goose species been an effective framework for allocating resources to deliver the three policy objectives?

7. If you have any comments on or proposals for change to prioritising goose species, please detail below.

75 Responses

Latest Responses "National We support the prioritising of protected species/po…

8. Have local goose groups been an effective way to deliver goose management over the last 5 years?

230 Responses

2.59 Average Number

9. If you have anycomments on orproposals for change to local goose groups, please detail below.100 Responses Latest Responses "National RSPB Scotland believes that Local Goose Manage

10. Has the National Goose Forum been an effective way for stakeholders and local groups to engage and contribute to the delivery of national goose policy over the last 3 years?

218 Responses

2.19 Average Number

11. If you have any comments on or proposals for change to the National Goose Forum, please detail below.

62 Responses

Latest Responses "National The direct presence of LGMG representatives at Na…

12. Greylag– Has adaptive management of greylags been useful in reducing agricultural damage in your area?


1.69 Responses Average Number

13. If you have any comments on or proposals for change to adaptive management, please detail below.

74 Responses

Latest Responses "National Adaptive management is not always conducted in …

14. Greylag - How successful has the licenced sale of greylag goose meat been in your area?

177 Responses

1.55 Average Number

15. If you have any comments on or proposals for change to the sale of greylag goose meat, please detail below.

70 Responses Latest Responses "National RSPB Scotland does not oppose the introduction of…

16. Within the national budget for goose management have the resources been fairly allocated to species and land managers?

211 Responses

1.97 Average Number

17. If you have any comments on or proposals for change to allocating resources, please detail below.

79 Responses

Latest Responses "National There have been longstanding local and regional d…

18. Is there suitable information available to develop and deliver national goose policy?

19. If you have any comments on the information available, please detail below.

45 Responses

Latest Responses "National Whilst geese are relatively well monitored bird spe…

20. Which approaches could we consider to improve the delivery of goose management?

21. If you have any proposals for future approaches, please detail below.

94 Responses

Latest Responses "National We would urge caution in making any shift away f…



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