
Honey bee health strategy survey 2022: analysis

Results of a survey we carried out to gather the views of the beekeeping community and those with an interest in honey bees to identify areas to help guide the direction of the new 10-year honey bee health strategy.

Background and Methodology

As a continuation of the review of Scotland’s first 10-year Honey Bee Health Strategy, the Scottish Government Bee Health Team were keen to hear the views of the beekeeping community and those with an interest in honey bees. A survey was launched with the purpose of gathering those views and to help identify the areas which can be improved upon to best continue supporting Scotland’s honey bees in future years.

The survey was divided into 3 parts:

  • In the first section, we asked questions about participants’ beekeeping to help us understand better our population of beekeepers in Scotland, helping us to tailor our communications.
  • In the second section we asked a number of quick questions regarding the Scottish Government’s Bee Health Team and our work.
  • The final section focussed on more in depth questions regarding the challenges we face in disease control and bee health in Scotland.

16 question were included for analysis. The primary type of questions asked were multiple choice but with additional opportunities to provide targeted and general open feedback.

The survey was created by the Bee Health Team but was subject to consultation and comments by members of the Bee Health Improvement Partnership.

This bespoke questionnaire was distributed via an online survey tool through a web link.

The survey was open for completion from 8th December 2021 to 28th January 2022.

The survey results were analysed by identifying themes and categorising responses. This report gives a detailed account of the findings highlighting the key themes and conclusions.

We are delighted with the level of response and would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey and to our stakeholders who used their communication channels to share and publicise the survey amongst their members.

The results of the survey along with the lessons learned from the Review of the first Strategy will be key in helping to determine and guide us on the direction of the new 10-year Scottish honey bee health strategy.

Please note the results in this document are the views, thoughts and opinions gathered from the replies to the survey. These represent a wide range of people, including those who currently do not keep honey bees, and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Bee Health Team

March 2022



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