
Scottish Government hospitality services for 2016-17 broken down by directorate: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Information requested

Full cost to the Scottish Government for hospitality services for the financial year 2016-2017 broken down by the following directorates:
Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate
Budget and Public Spending Directorate
Chief Economist Directorate
Chief Medical Officer Directorate
Chief Nursing Officer Directorate
Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland Directorate
Children and Families Directorate
Communications and Ministerial Support Directorate
Constitution Directorate
Corporate Transformation and Workplace Directorate
Covid Inquiries Response Directorate
Covid Recovery and Public Service Reform Directorate
Culture and Major Events Directorate
Digital Directorate
Digital Health and Care Directorate
EU Directorate
Early Learning and Childcare Directorate
Economic Development Directorate
Economic Strategy and Fair Work Directorate
Education Reform Directorate
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Environment and Forestry Directorate
Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Directorate
External Affairs Directorate
Financial Management Directorate
Fiscal Sustainability and Exchequer Development Directorate
Health Workforce Directorate
Health and Social Care Finance and Governance
Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
Internal Audit and Assurance Directorate
International Trade and Investment Directorate
Justice Directorate
Learning Directorate
Legal Services (Solicitor to the Scottish Government)
Lifelong Learning and Skills Directorate
Local Government and Housing Directorate
Marine Directorate
Mental Health Directorate
Offshore Wind Directorate
Parliamentary Counsel Office
People Directorate
People, Appointments and Governance
Performance, Delivery and Resilience Directorate
Population Health Directorate
Primary Care Directorate
Propriety and Ethics Directorate
Safer Communities Directorate
Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate
Social Care and National Care Service Development
Social Security Directorate
Strategy Directorate
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice Directorate
Tax and Revenues Directorate
Ukraine Resettlement Directorate


The table below summarises the value of hospitality costs on the Scottish Government’s financial reporting system for each requested directorate. Your requested list of directorates reflects the Scottish Government’s current directorate structure, which has changed since 2016/17. Therefore, any directorates in your requested list which have been created since 2016/17 are listed in the table below, but will have no costs recorded against them as they did not exist at this time.

Hospitality Costs by Directorate 2016/17 £s
Agriculture and Rural Economy Directorate 67,671
Budget and Public Spending Directorate 289
Chief Economist Directorate 1,877
Chief Medical Officer Directorate 5,889
Chief Nursing Officer Directorate 2,206
Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland Directorate 2,353
Children and Families Directorate 24,055
Communications and Ministerial Support Directorate 122,587
Constitution Directorate 8,167
Corporate Transformation and Workplace Directorate 699
Covid Inquiries Response Directorate 0
Covid Recovery and Public Service Reform Directorate 4,188
Culture and Major Events Directorate 1,702
Digital Directorate 10,212
Digital Health and Care Directorate 5,653
Early Learning and Childcare Directorate 0
Economic Development Directorate 12,367
Economic Strategy and Fair Work Directorate 0
Education Reform Directorate 0
Energy and Climate Change Directorate 8,078
Environment and Forestry Directorate 9,507
Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Directorate 9,470
EU Directorate 2,244
External Affairs Directorate 29,420
Financial Management Directorate 2,717
Fiscal Sustainability and Exchequer Development Directorate 0
Health and Social Care Finance and Governance 1,956
Health Workforce Directorate 8,156
Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate 13,584
Internal Audit and Assurance Directorate 2,154
International Trade and Investment Directorate 0
Justice Directorate 11,607
Learning Directorate 15,842
Legal Services (Solicitor to the Scottish Government) 12,108
Lifelong Learning and Skills Directorate 2,114
Local Government and Housing Directorate 19,277
Marine Directorate 45,040
Mental Health Directorate 867
Offshore Wind Directorate 0
Parliamentary Counsel Office 141
People Directorate 4,636
Performance, Delivery and Resilience Directorate 0
Population Health Directorate 7,293
Primary Care Directorate 3,782
Propriety and Ethics Directorate 0
Safer Communities Directorate 7,762
Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate 13,532
Social Care and National Care Service Development 5,030
Social Security Directorate 4,369
Strategy Directorate 0
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice Directorate 3,141
Tax and Revenues Directorate 670
Ukraine Resettlement Directorate 0

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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