Scottish Government Improvement Plan – Response to Environmental Standards Scotland Investigation – Climate Change Delivery Improvement Report

This Improvement Plan is in response to the Environmental Standards Scotland Investigation into Climate Delivery, and sets out actions the Scottish Government will take in relation to the reporting of scope 3 emissions for Local Authorities in Scotland.

Proposed actions and implementation

Establishing the feasibility of reporting against all scope 3 emission categories for LAs will take additional research into data collection methodologies, and the provision of resources to carry out the reporting for each body.

The revised SG ‘Statutory Guidance – Putting the climate change duties into practice’ document and accompanying non-statutory topic supplements will also contain further information on scope 3 emissions reporting.

SG will seek to enhance and increase voluntary reporting, and notes that any mandatory reporting scope 3 emissions by LAs would commence in November 2027.

SG is proposing to take forward the actions below following the laying of this Improvement Plan and subject to agreement by Parliament:

  • Action 1, to be taken forward immediately is to encourage voluntary reporting of all scope 3 emission categories, where relevant and applicable, for all LAs. The new statutory guidance, currently under development, will include the group 1 categories as a suggested best practice ‘baseline’ for inclusion in the annual reporting for all relevant public bodies; and will encourage reporting of relevant group 2 and 3 categories where practicable and feasible.
  • Action 2, which will be taken forward in 2025 as part of wider legislative amendments work is the preparation of an Amendment Order to mandate reporting on categories 3, 5, 6 and 7 (i.e. Group 1), which will require public consultation prior to introducing through Parliament.
  • Action 3, which will commence in spring 2025 is to establish a focus group involving LAs, academics, climate change professionals, procurement professionals and those with experience in reporting during 2025 to share best practice, identify opportunities to report, and develop a standardised methodology for reporting on categories 1, 2, 4, 8 13 and 15 (i.e. Group 2). This group can also assist with sharing best practice and, where practicable, develop a standardised of approaches for reporting on Group 1 categories.
  • Action 4, commencing in spring 2026 will be to work with local government partners to develop and implement a training programme on emissions reporting for local authority officers.
  • Action 5, to commence in the autumn of 2025 will be to commission independent researchers to establish value for money in reporting on the Group 3 categories, and if so, robust data gathering methodologies for categories 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14.



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