Scottish Government Improvement Plan – Response to Environmental Standards Scotland Investigation – Climate Change Delivery Improvement Report

This Improvement Plan is in response to the Environmental Standards Scotland Investigation into Climate Delivery, and sets out actions the Scottish Government will take in relation to the reporting of scope 3 emissions for Local Authorities in Scotland.

Group 1 – Practical and feasible

The scope 3 emission categories in this group would be reasonably straightforward to collect data and report, which is demonstrated by some LAs already reporting on these categories. Reporting on these categories also has the potential to have a positive impact on monitoring and reducing emissions, as set out below. Emissions categories that do not currently have accurate reporting methodologies available or where mandatory reporting could result in negative unintended consequences have not been included in this group.

These categories can be reported annually on a voluntary basis as part of the Public Bodies Climate Change Duties reporting cycle, however, an Amendment Order under subsection 46(1) of the 2009 would be required to mandate LAs to report these categories.

Category 3

The data source for fuel and energy related activities not in scopes 1 or 2 is the transmission and distribution losses, and well to tank conversion factors applied to scope 1 and 2 consumption data. This data highlights carbon savings by including upstream emissions and strengthens business cases for lower carbon options.

Category 5

The data source for waste generated in operations is the waste data and management information from the appointed waste contractor. These emissions will be generated within Scotland and reductions will therefore contribute to national and regional reduction targets. They will help support the transition to the circular economy, and whilst waste and recycling make up a relatively small proportion of emissions, they can be an effective way to start engaging staff and service users.

Category 6

The data source for business travel including overnight stays can be through travel agent or travel contractor data, expenses claims, organisational credit cards. UK Government and other conversion factors applied. The majority of these emissions are likely to be generated within Scotland and reductions will therefore contribute to national and regional reduction targets. They help support national and organisational policies, e.g. 20% reduction in car km and allows compliance with internal policies to be monitored. They can help ensure value for money, i.e. public funds not being wasted on unnecessary journeys, and can support positive behaviour in other organisations (e.g. remote meetings). Focus should be on private transport rather than public transport, as reliability of consumption data for some public transport options are variable.

Category 7

The data for employee homeworking can be gained using a conversion factor applied to full-time equivalents. Commuting data can be estimated based on information gathered from staff, e.g. staff travel survey. These emissions will be generated within Scotland and reductions will therefore contribute to national and regional reduction targets. Help support national and organisational policies, e.g. 20% reduction in car km. Surveys can be used to gather information such as around challenges to active travel, which can be used to target interventions and shape internal policies, improve facilities, etc. Wider benefits to health and wellbeing for active travel. Information may not be readily available as travel patterns can be variable, and collecting data for homeworking can be complex.



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