Scottish Government Improvement Plan – Response to Environmental Standards Scotland Investigation – Climate Change Delivery Improvement Report

This Improvement Plan is in response to the Environmental Standards Scotland Investigation into Climate Delivery, and sets out actions the Scottish Government will take in relation to the reporting of scope 3 emissions for Local Authorities in Scotland.

Group 3 – Need further research

Group 3 includes category 9, downstream distribution and transportation, category 10, the processing of sold products, category 11, the use of sold products, category 12, the end-of-life treatment of sold products, and category 14, franchises.

The scope 3 emission categories in this group are unlikely to be relevant to most LAs, however further research would be required to confirm this. Where LAs do have emissions falling into these categories, these may be insignificant compared to their overall footprint, and, therefore, not relevant to their inventory. This would need to be confirmed by the individual local authorities.

These categories have very uncertain methodologies for collection of data. To report on these would require significant research to develop suitable methodologies, and this would require resource and funding. SG’s view is that this would be needed before consideration can be given to encouraging or mandating reporting of these categories.



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