
Scottish Government information management strategy

The Scottish Government information management strategy (December 2021).

'I have the skills I need to manage information'

The Scottish Government will continue to strengthen the governance structure to embed a culture of excellent information management practises. As detailed above there will be an Information Governance Board Chaired by SIRO along with an Information Management Practitioners Group.

We will also build information management capability through the Scottish Government via a number of supplementary roles to act as local information management leads within DGs and Directorates. The role of Deputy Information Asset Owner [DIAO] in each division will support and deputise for the IAO assuring the operational responsibilities of robust IM and RM practices.

We will ensure that all employees have the knowledge, skills and support they need to manage information and use it appropriately and proactively improve the information management skills of all employees.

We will provide all roles with particular responsibilities the appropriate focussed training and continued support and guidance.

We will ensure our behaviours around information management are consistent, corporate and aimed at achieving the highest standards.



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