
Scottish Government information management strategy

The Scottish Government information management strategy (December 2021).

What's in it for you?

Improving the way we manage our information brings a number of benefits both to the individual and to the SG. Good information management provides the individual with the following benefits:

  • finding the information you need quickly and easily;
  • knowing what you need to keep and what you can dispose of – removing duplication and the "I'll keep it just in case" approach;
  • knowing where to keep it and how to save it;
  • working more efficiently, making best use of resources – re-using information created by you or others and not re-inventing the wheel;
  • working more collaboratively – making best use of skills and knowledge;
  • knowing what you can share and with whom;
  • knowing what information needs to be protected and what should be made available to the public; and
  • providing assurance that risks are reduced and that you and the organisation are complying with information law.

The Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Branch in iTECS is responsible for developing and supporting this strategy, the corporate approach to knowledge and information management, and works closely with information leads across the SG to achieve this.



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