
International network: monitoring and evaluation report 2022-2023

The Scottish Government's international network monitoring and evaluation reports for the financial year from April 2022 to March 2023.


This publication has summarised some of the key activities, outputs and outcomes, as well as medium to long-term impacts and lessons learned, from the joint monitoring and evaluation reports provided by the Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise (SE) / Scottish Development International (SDI). These reports cover work undertaken in those nine locations where both the Scottish Government and SE/SDI have a physical presence. These locations are: Brussels, London, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Nordics (Copenhagen), and USA.

The joint work is supported by two main pillars – the long term strategic outcomes, according to which the monitoring and evaluation reports have been structured, and the priorities mandate. A self-reporting approach, supported by quality assurance by analytical professionals within the organisation, was adopted to allow for reporting from across the nine locations. A copy of the reporting template can be found in Annex A.

In addition to various quantitative indicators across the Reputation, Research & Innovation, Trade, Investment, and Scotland’s Interests strategic objectives, the report makes use of qualitative evidence in the form of case studies.

The monitoring and evaluation reports demonstrate the breadth of the work delivered by the Scottish Government and SE/SDI. As can be seen from the case studies this includes, but is not limited to, establishing new and strengthening old relationships and networks, promoting Scottish produce, demonstrating Scotland’s cultural, business, educational and innovation offers, supporting companies set up operations in Scotland, and supporting Ministerial engagements.

In accordance with good monitoring and evaluation practice, the reports also consider lessons learned – including any challenges and opportunities – such as expanding networks outside capital cities, capacity and resource limitations, and harnessing the opportunities hybrid working and engagement provides.

Finally, given that much of the external network’s work builds on previous efforts or takes shape over multiple years, the reports incorporate insights regarding medium to long-term impact. This section seeks to capture evidence of where the Scottish Government’s and/or SE’s/SDI’s previous work is still showing impact.



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