Water industry - Scottish Government Investment Group - Committed List performance progress report: quarter 3 2023/24

Sets out how Scottish Water is progressing with the delivery of projects and programmes included on the ‘Committed List’ and confirms the position up to the end of December 2023 (Q3 2023/24).


1. SWAnnualReport2023.pdf (scottishwater.co.uk)

2. For example, replacement of lead pipes gives a measurable Output (metres of pipe), which gives a measurable improvement in Service Sub-Outcome (lead) which contributes towards the Service Outcome (water quality) which contributes towards the overall Outcome for customers.

3. Forecast costs at the time of addition to the Committed List

4. The baselines are determined by the projects forecast dates at the time inclusion in the Committed List

5. For example, replacement of lead pipes gives a measurable Output (metres of pipe), which gives a measurable improvement in Service Sub-Outcome (lead) which contributes towards the Service Outcome (water quality) which contributes towards the overall Outcome for customers.


Email: waterindustry@gov.scot

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