
Private residential tenancy: model agreement

This publication has been updated and can be found at:

This version of the Model Tenancy Agreement is in place from April 2023 onwards. You can create a tenancy using an online form at



Translated versions of this publication are available in the supporting files:

Polish (PDF Format)
Punjabi (PDF Format)
Urdu (PDF Format)


An errata was published on 07/12/2017 - for further details see Section: Errata
An errata was published on 10/01/2019 - for further details see Section: Errata


Section 1: How to Use the Model

Section 2: Glossary of Terms & Interpretation

Section 3: Model Private Residential Tenancy Agreement
1. Tenant
2. Letting Agent
3. Landlord
4. Communication
5. Details of the Let Property
6. Start Date of the Tenancy
7. Occupation and Use of the Let Property
8. Rent
9. Rent Receipts
10. Rent Increases
11. Deposit
12. Subletting and Assignation
13. Notification About Other Residents
14. Overcrowding
15. Insurance
16. Absences
17. Reasonable Care
18. The Repairing Standard etc. and Other Information
The Repairing Standard
Repair Timetable
Payment for Repairs
19. Legionella
20. Access for Repairs, Inspections and Valuations
21. Respect for Others
22. Equality Requirements
23. Data Protection
24. Ending the Tenancy

25. Contents and Condition
26. Local Authority Taxes/Charges
27. Utilities
28. Alterations
29. Common Parts
30. Private Garden
31. Roof
32. Bins and Recycling
33. Storage
34. Dangerous Substances Including Liquid Petroleum Gas
35. Pets
36. Smoking
37. Add Any Additional Tenancy Terms Here
38. The Guarantor
39. Declarations


Bold Text: Mandatory clauses - core rights and obligations
Normal Text: Discretionary clauses - a landlord can choose to include these if he or she wishes

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