
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA): national guidance

Updated ministerial guidance to Responsible Authorities on the discharge of their obligations under sections 10 and 11 of the Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.

Annex 5: MAPPA Co-ordinator Responsibilities

1. A revised remit covering the role and responsibilities of a MAPPA Co-ordinator was developed and agreed by the MAPPA National Strategic Group (NSG) in response to recommendation 6 of the Joint Thematic Review of MAPPA.

2. The role of the MAPPA Co-ordinator is both strategic and operational. MAPPA Co-ordinators play a critical role in supporting and advising the Responsible Authorities on the operation of the MAPPA within their allocated geographical area.

3. The MAPPA Strategic Oversight Group (SOG) will provide specific direction to the MAPPA Co-ordinator in respect of their role and responsibilities.

4. It is expected that the role of the MAPPA Co-ordinator includes the following responsibilities:

Support for Responsible Authorities

  • Provide a central point of reference/consultancy to Responsible Authorities, Duty to Co-operate and other relevant agencies in in line with Memorandums of Understanding
  • Support the Responsible Authorities within the MAPPA region to develop policies, procedures and local guidance to support the operation of MAPPA in line with national guidance
  • Support the Responsible Authorities in developing and maintaining the appropriate links between MAPPA and other public protection partnerships
  • Liaise with senior partners to resolve any difficulties that adversely impact upon the effective operation of MAPPA in their area
  • Work with Responsible Authorities to ensure delivery of the MAPPA annual report
  • Support the Responsible Authorities in assessing training needs and co-ordinate the delivery of/access to relevant training

Co-ordinating local workload

  • Continually monitor workload and feedback issues to the Responsible Authorities
  • Ensure the effective operation of MAPPA administration in their area, and where relevant provide line management to MAPPA administration staff
  • Receive and consider notifications and referrals to MAPPA in line with national guidance
  • Act as a single point of contact for Initial Case Reviews (ICR) and Significant Case Reviews (SCR)
  • Maintain records and compile statistics information for reporting purposes

Support for local MAPPA meetings

  • Co-ordinate the setting of, and attendance at MAPPA review meetings by relevant agencies at an appropriate level of seniority
  • Actively encourage the effective and appropriate sharing of information prior to, during and following MAPPA review meetings
  • Provide support to MAPPA Level 1/2/3 chairs in the meeting process and in quality assurance of minutes produced
  • Quality assure and provide advisory input to MAPPA Level 1/2/3 review meetings and other relevant forums

Quality Assure local processes

  • Provide quality assurance of MAPPA processes within their area to ensure a consistency of approach and that informed and appropriate decisions are taken
  • Act as a gatekeeper, ensuring that appropriate MAPPA management levels are set in line with national guidance
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness of information sharing agreements on an on-going basis
  • Ensure MAPPA record management systems are up-to-date and fit for purpose

National Liaison

  • Maintain linkage with MAPPA Co-ordinators across Scotland in order to identify and share good practice, providing mutual support
  • Work with relevant others, including the Scottish Government in an effort to review and improve the operation of MAPPA and enhance public awareness of MAPPA
  • Undertake other duties as may reasonably be expected by the MAPPA SOG



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