
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA): national guidance

Updated ministerial guidance to Responsible Authorities on the discharge of their obligations under sections 10 and 11 of the Management of Offenders etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.


1. Established by the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003, section 3.

2. Framework for Risk Assessment, Management & Evaluation (FRAME)

3. The ordinary residence of an offender has to be assessed according to the circumstances of that offender but is generally the place to which they have ties, either through family or because they have made their home there and lived in that area for some time. Ordinary Residence - Social Work Scotland

4. At the time of writing, these Outcomes and Standards are due to be updated

5. Section 205(2) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) 1995 Act

6. This definition is drawn from the Framework for Risk Assessment, Management and Evaluation (FRAME) – see page 25.

7. This term is drawn from FRAME and denotes intensive levels of practice in complex cases where indicators of risk of serious harm are present. In less complex cases it may be sufficient to be aware or attentive to the risk. For more on how active and alert risk management would apply in practice, see pages 32-37 of Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management .

8. For further information refer to the Risk Assessment Tools Evaluation Directory (RATED) – Risk Management Authority (RMA).

9. This term is drawn from FRAME and denotes intensive levels of practice in complex cases where indicators of risk of serious harm are present. In less complex cases it may be sufficient to be aware or attentive to the risk. For more on how active and alert risk management would apply in practice, see pages 32-37 of Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management .

10. This term is drawn from FRAME and denotes intensive levels of practice in complex cases where indicators of risk of serious harm are present. In less complex cases it may be sufficient to be aware or attentive to the risk. For more on how active and alert risk management would apply in practice, see pages 32-37 of Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management .

11. The Lead Responsible Authority must report to the RMA within 12 months of the date on which the current RMP was approved by the RMA. The RMA Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management provides detailed information on the risk management planning process for OLRs, including where an amended RMP requires to be submitted to the RMA as a result of an actual or potential significant change.

12. Please refer to Chapter 4 of this guidance for the definition of risk of serious harm and information about the exceptional circumstances when medium risk may be sufficient for consideration of referral at Level 2 or 3.

13. Full details of assessment at these levels can be found in Chapter 4 of this guidance.

14. The Lead Responsible Authority must report to the RMA within 12 months of the date on which the current RMP was approved by the RMA. The RMA Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management provides detailed information on the risk management planning process for OLRs, including where an amended RMP requires to be submitted to the RMA as a result of an actual or potential significant change.

15. The Lead Responsible Authority must report to the RMA within 12 months of the date on which the current RMP was approved by the RMA. The RMA Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management provides detailed information on the risk management planning process for OLRs, including where an amended RMP requires to be submitted to the RMA as a result of an actual or potential significant change.

16. Refer to Chapter 4 of this guidance for full details on assessment at MAPPA Levels 2 and 3 and for further information about the exceptional circumstances when medium risk may be sufficient for consideration of referral at MAPPA Level 2 or 3.

17. Section 10 sets out the roles and responsibilities within the RMT.

18. Rule 100 of the Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Rules 2011 states that "special escorted leave" means leave of absence from the prison of an eligible prisoner for the purposes of being escorted to his or her home or other approved place for a period not exceeding 2 hours, excluding travelling time. The Direction to Rule 100 provides details of the availability, considerations and criteria for Special Escorted Leave.

19. Rule 136 of the Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Rules 2011 provides for the forms of temporary release. The Direction to Rule 136 provides further information in relation to criteria for each type of temporary release and the availability of temporary release from which prisons or parts of prisons.

20. Section 8.6 (page 16) Risk Management, Progression & Temporary Release Guidance gives further detail on "temporary release for work" "unescorted day release" and "Home Leave"

21. Following LSCMI assessment – RMP template

22. Refer to Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management for further information about the development of RMPs. The Case Manager appointed by the lead Responsible Authority has a core role in ensuring that members of the RMT work collaboratively to prepare and deliver the RMP appropriately.

23. The Framework for Risk Assessment, Management and Evaluation (FRAME) published by the Risk Management Authority provides a definition of defensible decision making.

24. If the RSO is to be managed at Level 1 please complete all sections of this form.

If they are to be managed at Level 2 or Level 3 please complete all sections except section 6. In these cases, this form should be accompanied by a completed MAPPA Referral form.

25. This term is drawn from FRAME and denotes intensive levels of practice in complex cases where indicators of risk of serious harm are present. In less complex cases it may be sufficient to be aware or attentive to the risk. For more on how active and alert risk management would apply in practice, see pages 32-37 of Standards and Guidelines for Risk Management .



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