
Non Domestic Rating Account: year ended 31 March 2023

Scottish Government White Paper Accounts for Non Domestic Rating 2022 to 2023.

Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31 March 2023

2022-23 2021-22
£ £
Contributions from authorities (Note 2) 2,829,286,841 2,054,379,344
Gross additional receipts as a result of interim recalculations for 2021-22 (Note 4) 176,758,758
Gross additional sums paid as a result of interim recalculations for 2020-21 10,126,717
Gross additional receipts as a result of final recalculations for 2020-21 1,542
Gross additional receipts as a result of final recalculations for 2019-20 72,274
Total Contributions 3,006,047,141 2,064,578,335
Sums paid to authorities as the Distributable Amount (Note 3) 2,766,000,000 2,090,000,000
Gross additional sums paid as a result of interim recalculations for 2021-22 (Note 4) 123,040,296
Gross additional sums paid as a result of interim recalculations for 2020-21 105,909,318
Gross additional sums paid as a result of final recalculations for 2020-21 10,364
Gross additional sums paid as a result of final recalculations for 2019-20 8,665,229
Total Distributions 2,889,050,660 2,204,574,547
Net sums paid to/(paid from) the account during the year 116,996,481 -139,996,212

The notes on page 13 form part of these accounts.

Statement of Balances as at 31 March 2023

2022-23 2021-22
£ £
Balance as at 1 April (199,987,685) (59,991,473)
Add surplus/(deficit) of contributions over amounts distributed for the year 116,996,481 (139,996,212)
Balance as at 31 March (Note 1) (82,991,204) (199,987,685)

Louise MacDonald, Accountable Officer, Director-General Communities

The Accountable Officer authorised these statements for issue on 31 October 2023



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