
Pain Management Panel - engagement: phase 2 report

The second independently produced report of consultations with the Scottish Government Pain Management Panel. The membership consists of people with lived experience of chronic pain and will help shape the planning and delivery of our Framework for Pain Management Service.

5. Conclusions

Throughout November 2022, the Scottish Government Chronic Pain Lived Experience Panel took part in a series of discussions about their experiences of searching for information about chronic pain, and participated in an exercise where they provided feedback on official NHS Inform resources.

These conversations identified that panel members have various information needs; for example learning new ways to manage their pain, finding out about potential side effects of new medication and researching how their condition will affect their long time health. For some members of the panel, seeking information about chronic pain has become part of their daily life.

Different information sources are used by the panel. Some prefer the convenience and breadth of information that online searches offer them, having been left disappointed with the level of information available through GPs and other health services. Others felt that in- person contact with a health care professional is the most reliable source of information, expressing some scepticism over the veracity of online information sources.

Response to the NHS Inform chronic pain resources were mixed. There was agreement that both the chronic pain webpage and self-help guide are well-designed and easy to use, and both offer relevant information that would be helpful for those in the early stages of their chronic pain condition. However, the panel felt that the information was generic, and few were able to point to any information that they had not seen before. There were calls for the information to be available in additional formats such as paper copies and videos; and for lived experience to be better reflected in the resources.

As with the first phase of engagement, discussions were insightful, and panel members offered thoughtful and valuable contributions. Many reflected positively on the experience of taking part in the Chronic Pain Lived Experience Panel, expressing a willingness to continue engaging with the Scottish Government about their experiences of living with chronic pain.



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